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Barack HUSSEIN Obama: A "Lawless President"

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Sep 10, 2020, 7:26:34 PM9/10/20

Compare ANY of the things YOU say Trump is "lawless" about to Obama.


1,063 Documented Examples of Barack Obama's Lying, Criminal Activity,
Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste

601) Illegally gave Obamacare subsidies to people who bought insurance from
somewhere other than the Obamacare website

As it was passed by Congress, Obamacare only gives subsidies to people who buy
insurance at the Obamacare website. However, in February 2014, Obama allowed
people who bought insurance from somewhere other than the Obamacare website to
get these subsidies. Because Obama made this change without approval from
Congress, his action was illegal.

602) An estimated 65% of small businesses that already had insurance will pay
higher premiums because of Obamacare

In February 2014, it was reported that an estimated 65% of small businesses
that already had insurance would pay higher premiums because of Obamacare.

603) Allowed anti-gay Muslim preacher who wants homosexuals to be executed into
the U.S. to spread his message to mosques in 17 U.S. cities

Sheik Mohammad Rateb al-Nabulsi is a Muslim preacher from Syria who has called
for homosexuals to be executed. In March 2014, Obama gave him a visa so he
could spread his message to mosques in 17 U.S. cities.

604) Illegally gave unions an exemption from Obamacare's "reinsurance" tax

Obamacare includes a so-called "reinsurance" tax. In March 2014, Obama gave
unions an exemption from this tax. This was illegal for two reasons. First,
Obama made this change without approval from Congress. And second, the
Constitution requires that laws apply equally to everyone.

605) Illegally delayed Obamacare's minimum standards for certain insurance
policies until after the 2016 election

Obamacare's minimum standards for insurance policies were required to take
effect on January 1, 2014. However, in March 2014, Obama delayed these
standards for certain insurance policies until after the 2016 election. Because
Obama did this without approval from Congress, his action was illegal.

606) Illegally extended Obamacare's open enrollment period for 2015

In March 2014, Obama extended Obamacare's open enrollment period for 2015.
Because Obama did this without approval from Congress, his action was illegal.

607) Unite Here said Obamacare "threatens the middle class with higher
premiums, loss of hours, and a shift to part-time work and less comprehensive

Unite Here is a union that represents 300,000 employees in the hotel and
restaurant industries. It supported Obama in both elections.

In March 2014, Unite Here said:

"If employers follow the incentives in the law, they will push families onto
the exchanges to buy coverage. This will force low-wage service industry
employees to spend $2.00, $3.00 or even $5.00 an hour of their pay to buy
similar coverage."

"... the ACA threatens the middle class with higher premiums, loss of hours,
and a shift to part-time work and less comprehensive coverage."

"Obamacare will cost our members the equivalent of a significant pay cut to
keep their hard-won benefits."

"... it will inevitably lead to the destruction of the health care plans we
were promised we could keep."

608) Doctor who survived breast cancer said "Under Obamacare, I'd be dead."

Dr. Katherine Albrecht lives in Nashua, New Hampshire. After she was diagnosed
with breast cancer, doctors at her local hospital told her there was nothing
they could do for her. So, she went to experts at the Dana Farber Cancer Center
in Boston, Massachusetts, who saved her life. She later received follow up care
at Cornell Breast Cancer Center in New York City. Her insurance paid for her
treatment at both of these out-of-state facilities.

Afterward, her insurance policy was canceled, because it did not meet
Obamacare's minimum requirements.

Her new, Obamacare-compliant policy does not cover treatment in Boston, New
York, or any other out-of-state medical facility.

She said of this:

"Under Obamacare, I'd be dead."

609) Tried to censor the Center for American Progress

In March 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had called the
Center for American Progress to complain about its accurate report that Obama's
troop surge in Afghanistan had more troops than the highest number during
Bush's presidency.

610) Told border guards to run away from illegal immigrants who were throwing

In March 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had told border
guards to run away from illegal immigrants who were throwing rocks at them.

611) Illegally read the emails of two law abiding, adult citizens who were
engaged in a consensual sexual relationship

In February 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had illegally
read the emails of two law abiding, adult citizens who were engaged in a
consensual sexual relationship.

612) Tried to prevent Florida from removing ineligible people from its voter

In March 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had tried to stop
Florida from removing ineligible people from its voter rolls.

613) Threatened to veto a bill that would require the President to enforce
federal laws

In March 2014, it was reported that Obama had threatened to veto a bill that
would require the President to enforce federal laws.

614) Obamacare refused to provide insurance to a business which had paid its
Obamacare premiums for three months

United Reported Publishing is a business in Folsom, California. As of March
2014, it had paid its Obamacare premiums for the past three months, but had not
received the insurance that it had paid for. When the company called the
Obamacare customer service phone number to try to find out why, the Obamacare
customer service refused to do anything to help them.

615) Threatened to fine a law abiding citizen $75,000 a day for legally
building a stock pond on his own private property

Andy Johnson lives in Wyoming. He obtained a permit to legally build a stock
pond on his own private property. However, in March 2014, it was reported that
the Obama administration had threatened to fine him $75,000 a day for building

616) Skipped National Security meeting so he could attend a film festival

In March 2014, it was reported that Obama had skipped a National Security
meeting so he could attend a film festival.

617) Prohibited Catholic military personnel from practicing their religion
during off-duty hours

In March 2014, it was reported that Commander-in-Chief Obama had prohibited
Catholic military personnel from practicing their religion during off-duty

618) Got even worse regarding his violations of the Freedom of Information Act

In 2013, Obama's violations of the Freedom of Information Act were even worse
than during the previous years of his presidency.

619) Illegally changed Obamacare's medical loss ratio provision

Obamacare has a medical loss ratio provision which requires insurers to spend
at least 80% of premiums on health care. In March 2014, Obama changed this
percentage. Because Obama made this change without approval from Congress, his
action was illegal.

620) Tried to censor the ACLU and NAACP

In March 2014, it was reported that the ACLU and the NAACP had criticized the
Obama administration's proposal for new regulations that would restrict the
speech of non-profit organizations during election campaigns.

621) Gave up U.S. control over certain aspects of the Internet.

The U.S. invented the Internet. However, in March 2014, it was reported that
Obama had given up U.S. control of certain aspects of the Internet.

622) Democratic Underground's William Pitt said Obamacare caused his wife to
lose coverage for her multiple sclerosis medicine, and called Obama a "used-car

In March 2014, Democratic Underground's William Pitt wrote: (I have redacted
the vulgar language from the original)

What I've learned about the Affordable Care Act

What I've learned after a three-month war with these fiends: the ACA says the
insurance companies cannot deny coverage to those with pre-existing conditions,
which is true as far as it goes. But they can deny coverage for the life-saving
medications necessary to treat those conditions. The insurance company I signed
up with through the ACA exchange just denied coverage of my wife's multiple
sclerosis medication. We're "covered," to the tune of $700 a month... just not
for what she really needs.

A cozy loophole, that.

F*** you, insurance industry.

F*** you, Mr. President, you piece of s*** used-car salesman.

From my heart and soul, f*** you.

623) More than one third of people who receive Obamacare subsidies will have to
repay part or all of their subsidy when they do their taxes the following year

In March 2014, it was reported that more than one third of people who receive
Obamacare subsidies will have to repay part or all of their subsidy when they
do their taxes the following year.

624) Illegally rewrote the Freedom of Information Act to prevent the release of
politically sensitive documents

In March 2014, it was reported that in April 2009, Obama had rewritten the
freedom of Information Act to prevent the release of politically sensitive
documents. Because Obama did this without approval from Congress, his action
was illegal.

625) Man received $407,000 in medical bills for care that he had received after
his Obamacare policy had taken effect

Larry Basich lives in Las Vegas, Nevada. He started paying his Obamacare
premiums in November 2013, for coverage that was supposed to start on January
1, 2014. He paid his premiums every month. However, in March 2014, he was
billed $407,000 for medical care that he had received during January and
February 2014.

626) Under Commander-in-Chief Obama, the military kept track of civilians'
parking tickets, traffic citations, and fender-benders

In March 2014, it was reported that under Commander-in-Chief Obama, the
military was keeping track of civilians' parking tickets, traffic citations,
and fender-benders.

627) Obama Motors refused to recall defective cars that killed 12 people

In July 2009, Obama had the government take 60.8% ownership of General Motors.

In December 2013, ownership of Obama Motors was returned to the private sector.

In March 2014, it was reported that during the time that Obama had been in
charge of Obama Motors, he refused to recall defective cars that had killed 12
people. This is very unusual, because typical car recalls happen before anyone

628) Proposed illegally building skyscrapers out of wood

In March 2013, Obama proposed building skyscrapers out of wood. To do so would
be in violation of numerous safety regulations and building codes, not to
mention the laws of physics.

629) Falsely accused Matt Drudge of lying when Drudge said he had just paid his
Obamacare tax

Since Matt Drudge runs a business, he pays his income taxes on a quarterly
based. However, in March 2014, after Drudge truthfully commented on this, the
Obama administration falsely accused him of lying.

630) New York Times reporter James Risen said Obama was "the greatest enemy of
press freedom that we have encountered in at least a generation"

In March 2014, New York Times reporter James Risen said Obama was:

"the greatest enemy of press freedom that we have encountered in at least a

631) Spied on Chinese politicians and companies

In March 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had spied on
Chinese politicians and companies

632) Eric Holder illegally avoided reporting and paying taxes on his use of
government aircraft for personal trips

In March 2014, it was reported that Attorney General Eric Holder had illegally
avoided reporting and paying taxes on his use of government aircraft for
personal trips.

633) Illegally delayed the Obamacare enrollment deadline

Obamacare sets the enrollment deadline at March 31, 2014. However, a week
before this deadline, Obama granted extensions. Because Obama did this without
approval from Congress, his action was illegal.

634) Obamacare author said it will cause most employers to stop offering

In March 2014, the New York Times reported:

Why Employers Will Stop Offering Health Insurance

Here's a prediction: By 2025, "fewer than 20 percent of workers in the private
sector will receive traditional employer-sponsored health insurance." The
source of this claim? Dr. Ezekiel J. Emanuel, in his just-published book,
"Reinventing American Health Care."

Dr. Emanuel is an accomplished oncologist, medical ethicist and academic (and
contributing opinion writer to The New York Times). And, of course, he's no
stranger to politics: He helped craft the Affordable Care Act as a health
policy adviser to the Obama administration, when his brother, Rahm, now the
mayor of Chicago, was chief of staff.

... he argues, the so-called Cadillac tax on especially generous health plans,
set to take effect in 2018, will help pave the way by discouraging companies
from offering those plans.

635) Conducted a DEA raid on someone's home based on the fact that she had
purchased a 16 ounce bottle of fertilizer at a gardening store

In October 2013, the DEA raided the home of a woman in Shorewood, Illinois,
based on the fact that she had purchased a 16 ounce bottle of fertilizer at a
gardening store.

636) Used more than 200 armed agents and snipers to confront a farmer who was
trespassing on federal land

In April 2014, the Obama administration used more than 200 armed agents and
snipers to confront a farmer who was trespassing on federal land.

637) Ordered a high school to undo improvements that parents had made to its

Plymouth Canton Community Schools is a high school in Michigan. The students'
parents used their own money to improve the bleachers at the school's baseball
field. In March 2014, the Obama administration ordered the school to undo these

638) Spied on private companies in Germany

In March 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had spied on
private companies in Germany.

639) Spied on 122 world leaders

In March 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had spied on 122
world leaders.

640) California's Obamacare website gave people voter registration cards that
were pre-marked as Democrat

In March 2014, it was reported that California's Obamacare website had given
people voter registration cards that were pre-marked as Democrat.

641) Secretly gave military equipment to Russia after Russia invaded Ukraine

In March 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had secretly given
military equipment to Russia after Russia invaded Ukraine.

642) Released 68,000 convicted criminal aliens in one year

In 2013, the Obama administration released 68,000 convicted criminal aliens.

643) Obama's press secretary had Soviet communist propaganda posters on the
walls of his house

In April 2014, it was reported that Jay Carney, Obama's press secretary, had
Soviet communist propaganda posters on the walls of his house.

644) Obama administration removed info from its own website about why it wanted
a farmer to get off of federal land

In April 2014, the Obama administration used more than 200 armed agents and
snipers to confront a farmer who was trespassing on federal land. After the
standoff had been going on for several days, it was reported that the Obama
administration had been planning to let a Chinese company use the land to build
a solar farm, and that the Obama administration had removed information about
these plans from its own website.

645) Obamacare caused a Kansas hospital to layoff 15 employees

In April 2014, it was reported that Obamacare had caused Newman Regional Health
hospital in Emporia, Kansas, to layoff 15 employees.

646) Voted against requiring medical care for babies who were born alive after
botched abortions

In Illinois, it was discovered that an abortion clinic was refusing to provide
medical care to babies who were born alive after botched abortions - medical
workers at the clinic were letting these babies die. When Obama was an Illinois
state senator, he voted against requiring medical care for these babies who
were born alive after botched abortions.

647) Targeted companies with Republican CEOs so the Justice Department could
block their mergers

In April 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had targeted
companies with Republican CEOs so the Justice Department could block their

648) Of the 7.1 million people who enrolled in the Obamacare exchanges, only
20% had been previously uninsured

In April 2014, it was reported that of the 7.1 million people who had enrolled
in the Obamacare exchanges, only 20% had been previously uninsured.

649) Illegally regulated banks in Canada and Europe, and illegally required
them to violate the privacy of their own citizens

In March 2010, Obama signed the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, which takes
effect on July 1, 2014. This law imposes new regulations on banks in Canada and
Europe, and requires them to violate the privacy of their own citizens. The
U.S. Constitution does not give these powers to the U.S. President.

650) Proposed 442 different tax increases as of April 14, 2014

As of April 14, 2014, President Obama had proposed 442 different tax increases.

651) Obamacare caused a woman who was six months pregnant to lose coverage for
her obstetrician

Susan Estrich is a law professor at the University of Southern California. In
April 2014, she said that Obamacare had caused her pharmacy technician, who was
six months pregnant, to lose coverage for her obstetrician.

652) Obamacare caused New York City brain surgery patient to lose all her
doctors and anti-pain medications

Margaret Figueroa lives in New York City. She has had four brain surgeries. On
January 1, 2014, Obamacare caused her to lose all her doctors and anti-pain
medications. Three months later, she said:

"I have been in pain. I've been vomiting. I lost 22 pounds. The pain is

653) Obamacare pediatric dental coverage for Scot Vorse's two children covered
zero dentists within a 100 mile radius

Scot Vorse lives in Los Angeles, California. He purchased Obamacare pediatric
dental coverage for his two children. However, when he searched the Obamacare
website for dentists who were covered by his children's policy, it said that
there were zero participating dentists within a 100 mile radius.

654) Obama voters in San Francisco area complained that Obamacare does not
actually give them access to a doctor

Mountain View, California, is part of the San Francisco area, where Obama won
both elections by a huge percentage. In April 2014, Obama voters in this area
complained that Obamacare did not actually give them access to a doctor.

655) Illegally shot and killed cattle, and lied about the reason why

In April 2014 in Nevada, the Obama administration illegally shot and killed
cattle, in violation of a court order. Although the cattle had been safely
enclosed inside a fenced area, the Obama administration falsely claimed that
the cattle had been running around loose and were a threat.

656) Illegally rounded up wild horses so they could be sent to a
slaughterhouse, and lied about the reason why

In April 2014 in Wyoming, the Obama administration rounded up wild horses so
they could be sent to a slaughterhouse, despite the fact that these wild horses
were legally protected from such actions. The Obama administration falsely
claimed that these wild horses were not actually wild.

657) Threatened to veto a bill that would change Obamacare's definition of
"full time" from 30 hours per week to 40

Obamacare's employer mandate only applies to "full time" employees, which
Obamacare defines as those who work at least 30 hours per week. This has
encouraged many employers to reduce their employees' weekly hours to 29. In
response to this, in April 2014, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a
bill that redefines Obamacare's definition of "full time" work to 40 hours per
week. Obama threatened to veto this proposal.

658) Forced New Jersey to eliminate its FamilyCare Advantage health care

In 2008, New Jersey started running a program called FamilyCare Advantage,
which provided affordable health insurance to families. However, in 2014,
Obamacare forced New Jersey to eliminate this program.

659) Obama's State Department "misplaced and lost" $6 billion

In April 2014, it was reported that Obama's State Department had "misplaced and
lost" $6 billion.

660) Obamacare patient got rejected by all 96 doctors that she contacted

In an April 2014 article in Ebony magazine, Danielle Kimberly wrote:

As a proud new beneficiary of the Affordable Health Care Act, I'd like to
report that I am doctor-less. Ninety-six. Ninety-six is the number of soul
crushing rejections that greeted me as I attempted to find one. It's the number
of physicians whose secretaries feigned empathy while rehearsing the "I'm so
sorry" line before curtly hanging up.

661) Ann Coulter said her friend's sister died because of Obamacare

In February 2014, Ann Coulter said that her friend's sister died because she
could not afford to get medical care, because her insurance had been canceled
because of Obamacare.

662) Obama ad falsely said women get paid 77 cents on the dollar for doing the
"same work" as men

In June 2012, an Obama ad said:

"President Obama knows that women being paid 77 cents on the dollar for doing
the same work as men isn't just unfair, it hurts families."

While women do indeed get paid 77 cents for every dollar that a man gets, it is
not for the "same work." The Huffington Post reported that the claim that women
get paid 77 cents on the dollar for doing the "same work" as men is wrong: the
comparison is not for the "same work," the comparison does not adjust for
education, job, experience, hours worked per week, etc., and when you do adjust
for those things, the gap disappears. People who claim that the gap exists
count a male lawyer and a female librarian as having the "same" job, even
though lawyers earn far more than librarians.

663) Tea party donors were audited by the IRS at ten times the rate of the
general population

In May 2014, it was reported that tea party donors had been audited by the IRS
at ten times the rate of the general population.

664) Obama gave taxpayers' money to Obamacare contractor to hire employees to
do nothing

In May 2014, it was reported that Obama had given taxpayers' money to Serco, an
Obamacare contractor, to hire employees to do nothing. The more employees that
Serco hired to do nothing, the more taxpayer money it got from Obama. At the
time of the report, Serco was still hiring new employees.

665) Obamacare customers filed class action lawsuit because even though they
had paid their premiums, they did not receive the coverage that they had paid

In April 2014, a class action lawsuit was filed in Nevada by Obamacare
customers because even though they had paid their premiums, they did not
receive the coverage that they had paid for.

666) Obama hired a top criminal attorney as his new White House council

In April 2014, it was reported that Obama had hired Neil Eggleston, a top
criminal attorney, as his new White House council.

667) Broke his promise to end Bush's policy of circumventing Congress

In 2008, Obama said:

"The biggest problems we're facing right now have to do with George Bush trying
to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through
Congress at all. And that's what I intend to reverse when I'm president of the
United States of America."

However, as of February 2014, Obama had broken that promise 168 times.

668) Said "Earth Day is about taking action" and then burned more than 35,000
gallons of fuel

On Earth Day 2014, the Obama administration said:

"Earth Day is about taking action"

Obama then spent the day burning more than 35,000 gallons of fuel.

669) Obama's Department of Health and Human Services spent $146 each month for
each employee for email

In April 2014, it was reported that the Department of Health and Human Services
was spending $146 each month for each employee for email.

670) Removed 1.5 million medical orders from waiting lists at Veterans
Administration hospitals without actually providing any medical care

In May 2014, the Washington Examiner reported:

More than 1.5 million medical orders were canceled by the Department of
Veterans Affairs without any guarantee the patients received the treatment or
tests they needed, the Washington Examiner has found.

Since May 2013, veterans' medical centers nationwide have been under pressure
to clear out 2 million backlogged orders for patient care or services.

They were given wide latitude to cancel unfilled appointments more than 90 days
old. By April 2014, the backlog of what the agency calls "unresolved consults"
was down to about 450,000.

What happened to other 1.5 million appointments is something that no one,
including top officials at the veterans' agency, can answer.

In May 2014, CNN reported:

At least 40 U.S. veterans died waiting for appointments at the Phoenix Veterans
Affairs Health Care system, many of whom were placed on a secret waiting list.

The secret list was part of an elaborate scheme designed by Veterans Affairs
managers in Phoenix who were trying to hide that 1,400 to 1,600 sick veterans
were forced to wait months to see a doctor, according to a recently retired top
VA doctor and several high-level sources.

671) Falsely said that he found out about long waiting lists at Veterans
Administration hospitals on the news in 2014

In May 2014, the Obama administration said that it had just found out about the
long waiting lists at Veterans Administration hospitals on the news.

However, Obama had previously talked about this problem in 2008.

672) Sued a trucking company because it would not allow an alcoholic employee
to drive a truck

In September 2011, the Obama administration sued Old Dominion Freight Line
because it would not allow an alcoholic employee to drive a truck.

673) Sued a private company for using the same kind of background checks as the
Obama administration

In 2012, the EEOC sued Kaplan, a for-profit education company, for using credit
checks on its employees, which were described as being "the same type of
background check that the EEOC itself uses."

674) Defended a Muslim airline that illegally bans Israeli Jews from flights
that originate in the U.S.

In 2013, a passenger who wanted to fly from New York to London on Kuwait
Airways was illegally rejected by the airline for being an Israeli Jew. The
passenger filed a discrimination complaint with the Obama administration. The
Obama administration dismissed the complaint, claiming that the airline was
subject to Kuwaiti law, and not U.S. law, even though the flight originated in
the U.S.

675) Illegally seized money from the bank account of a law abiding grocery

Terry Dehko is a law abiding citizen who owns a grocery store in Fraser,
Michigan. 35% of the store's sales are done in cash. The store regularly
deposits this cash into a bank account. In January 2013, the Obama
administration illegally seized the contents of the store's bank account.

676) Illegally pressured banks to close the accounts of porn stars

In May 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had illegally
pressured banks to close the accounts of porn stars.

677) Huffington Post said Obamacare will leave 40 million Americans uninsured

In February 2014, the Huffington Post reported that Obamacare would leave 40
million Americans uninsured.

678) Obamacare is illegal because it originated in the Senate instead of in the

The Obama administration argued in front of the Supreme Court that the
Obamacare mandate was a tax.

The U.S. Constitution requires all tax bills to originate in the House, but
Obamacare originated in the Senate.

679) Moved control of the Census Bureau from the commerce secretary to the
White House

In March 2009, Obama moved control of the Census Bureau from the commerce
secretary to the White House. Larry Sabato, a professor at the University of
Virginia, said of this:

"The last thing the census needs is for any hard-bitten partisan (either a Karl
Rove or a Rahm Emanuel) to manipulate these critical numbers... Partisans have
a natural impulse to tilt the playing field in their favor, and this has to be

680) Changed questions in the census to falsely inflate the number of people
who gained insurance from Obamacare

In April 2014, the New York Times reported:

Census Survey Revisions Mask Health Law Effects

The Census Bureau, the authoritative source of health insurance data for more
than three decades, is changing its annual survey so thoroughly that it will be
difficult to measure the effects of President Obama's health care law in the
next report, due this fall...

... the new questions are so different that the findings will not be

An internal Census Bureau document said that the new questionnaire included a
"total revision to health insurance questions" and, in a test last year,
produced lower estimates of the uninsured. Thus, officials said, it will be
difficult to say how much of any change is attributable to the Affordable Care
Act and how much to the use of a new survey instrument.

"We are expecting much lower numbers just because of the questions and how they
are asked," said Brett J. O'Hara, chief of the health statistics branch at the
Census Bureau.

681) Illegally created a new Obamacare rule and penalty without approval from

In May 2014, the New York Times reported:

Many employers had thought they could shift health costs to the government by
sending their employees to a health insurance exchange with a tax-free
contribution of cash to help pay premiums, but the Obama administration has
squelched the idea in a new ruling. Such arrangements do not satisfy the health
care law, the administration said, and employers may be subject to a tax
penalty of $100 a day - or $36,500 a year - for each employee who goes into the
individual marketplace.

Obama's actions here are illegal. There is nothing in Obamacare that gives
Obama or the IRS the power to prohibit employers from dumping employees onto
Obamacare exchanges, or for fining them $100 a day per employee for doing so.
The President does not have the legal authority to change the law without those
changes first being approved by Congress.

682) Obamacare forced colon cancer survivor Janet Grigg to lose her doctor. Her
new Obamacare policy covers zero doctors within a 400 mile radius of her home.

Janet Grigg lives in Oklahoma and is a survivor of colon cancer. Obamacare
caused her to lose coverage for her doctor. Her new Obamacare policy covers
zero doctors within a 400 mile radius of her home. You can see a video of her

683) Paid $150 per gallon for green jet fuel

In May 2014, it was reported that the Pentagon had paid $150 per gallon for
green jet fuel.

684) Gave $20 million loan to an Obama donor and "very good friend" of Joe
Biden to open a Porsche dealership in Ukraine

In May 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had given a $20
million loan to John Hynanksy to open a Porsche dealership in Ukraine. Vice
President Joe Biden has referred to Hynanksy as "my very good friend." Hynanksy
has donated to Obama's campaign.

685) Obama broke the same law that Martha Stewart had gone to prison for

Solyndra's shareholders and executives made substantial donations to Obama's
campaign, the company spent a large sum of money on lobbying the Obama
administration, and its executives had many meetings with Obama White House
officials. Afterward, Obama gave $535 million of taxpayers' money to Solyndra.
Before Obama gave the money to Solyndra, Obama had already been aware of
Solyndra's financial troubles. For example, according to the company's security
filings in 2009, the company had been selling its product for less than the
cost of production. In 2010, Obama visited the Solyndra factory and cited it as
a role model for his "stimulus" program, saying "It's here that companies like
Solyndra are leading the way toward a brighter and more prosperous future." The
Washington Post wrote of this, "Administration officials and outside advisers
warned that President Obama should consider dropping plans to visit a solar
startup company in 2010 because its mounting financial problems might
ultimately embarrass the White House." Solyndra was a private company, but had
been planning to use its government funding as a means of going public - so
when Obama knowingly overstated the company's condition in order to help his
friends at Solyndra, he broke the same law that Martha Stewart had been sent to
prison for breaking.

686) Refused to explain why he waited two years to label Boko Haram as a
terrorist organization

In 2011, an organization called Boko Haram bombed the Abuja U.N. headquarters.
However, the Obama administration waited two years to label it as a terrorist
organization, and would not explain why it waited.

687) Falsely claimed that Republicans had "filibustered about 500 pieces of

In May 2014, Obama falsely claimed that Republicans had "filibustered about 500
pieces of legislation."

688) Refused to prosecute Hilda Solis, his labor secretary, for violating
campaign finance laws

In March 2012, Hilda Solis, Obama's labor secretary, illegally asked federal
employees to donate to Obama's campaign. Obama refused to prosecute her.

689) Illegally ordered two Secret Service agents to leave their White House
post and guard the home of a top official's aide

During the summer of 2011, the Obama administration illegally ordered two
Secret Service agents to leave their White House post and guard the home of a
top official's aide.

690) Spent $194,788 to study how trans-women use Facebook

In April 2014, the Obama administration spent $194,788 to study how trans-women
use Facebook.

691) Illegally released five "high risk" Taliban terrorists

Federal law requires the President to notify Congress 30 days before releasing
terrorists. However, in May 2014, Obama released five "high risk" Taliban
terrorists without giving advance notification.

692) Under Commander-in-Chief Obama, a military deserter was given promotions
instead of a court-martial

In June 2009, private first class Bowe Bergdahl deserted his post. Afterward,
instead of being court-martialed, he was promoted to the rank of specialist in
June 2010, and later promoted to the rank of sergeant in June 2011.

693) Falsely said a military deserter had been "captured on the battlefield"
and had served "with honor and distinction"

In June 2009, private first class Bowe Bergdahl deserted his post. However, in
June 2014, Susan Rice, Obama's national security adviser, said that Bergdahl
had been "captured on the battlefield" and had served "with honor and

694) Commander-in-Chief Obama did not know that the letter "p" in the word
"corpsman" was silent

Commander-in-Chief Obama pronounced the letter "p" in the world "corpsman"
twice in less than a minute. For a young child who is learning how to read,
such a pronunciation makes perfect sense. But for the Commander-in-Chief of the
most powerful military in the world, it is inexcusable.

695) Referred to the Taliban Five as "gentlemen"

At 3:25 in this video from June 2014, Marie Harf, the deputy spokesperson for
Obama's State Department, refers to the five then-recently released Taliban
terrorists as "gentlemen."

696) Illegally invited, encouraged, and allowed tens of thousands of
unaccompanied minor illegal immigrants to enter and stay in the U.S., and then
pretended to be surprised when they showed up

In 2012, the Obama administration announced that unaccompanied minor illegal
immigrant children would not be deported.

In January 2014, the Obama administration placed an advertisement requesting
contract services to care for 65,000 "unaccompanied alien children." The
advertisement can be read here. However, afterward, when these illegal
immigrants entered the U.S., the Obama administration pretended to be surprised
at their arrival.

They are largely from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.

95% of them said the main reason they came was because of Obama's new promise
for amnesty.

In June 2014, Associated Press reported:

The number of unaccompanied minors detained on the U.S. border has more than
tripled since 2011.

The migrants also uniformly said they decided to head north because they had
heard that a change in U.S. law requires the Border Patrol to swiftly release
children and their mothers and let them stay in the United States.

The Central American minors who cross the border alone have generally been
released into the care of relatives already in the U.S...

... many are reporting in calls back home that they're free to move around the

Also in June 2014, Associated Press reported:

The Obama administration has released into the U.S. an untold number of
immigrant families caught traveling illegally from Central America in recent
months - and although the government knows how many it's released, it won't say

Senior U.S. officials directly familiar with the issue, including at the
Homeland Security Department and White House, have so far dodged the answer on
at least seven occasions over two weeks, alternately saying that they did not
know the figure or didn't have it immediately at hand. "We will get back to
you," the Homeland Security deputy secretary said Friday.

The figure is widely believed to exceed 40,000 since October. It's believed to
be slightly below the roughly 52,000 children caught traveling illegally from
Central America over the same period, an extraordinary increase since last year
that is driving a humanitarian crisis at the border.

Instead of returning these illegal immigrants to south of the border, the Obama
administration made plans to ship some them to Virginia and New York.

In June 2014, the Obama administration announced that it would give $254.6
million to the countries that sent these illegal immigrants to the U.S. Obama
was planning to reward illegal immigration by subsidizing it. Whatever you
subsidize, you get more of it. When you subsidize illegal immigration, you get
more of it.

697) Falsely claimed to have "lost" Lois Lerner's emails

In June 2014, the IRS claimed that emails from Lois Lerner (a high level IRS
employee) to outside agencies from January 2009 through April 2011 had been
"lost" when her hard drive "crashed." However, a private company called
Sonasoft had a contract with the IRS since 2005 to back up all of the IRS's
emails. The company keeps multiple and redundant backup copies of all the IRS's
emails. The company advertised itself by saying "If the IRS uses Sonasoft
products to back up their servers why wouldn't you choose them to protect your
servers?" In addition, Norman Cillo, an Army veteran who had worked in
intelligence, and who had also worked as a program manager at Microsoft, listed
six reasons why the IRS's claim about "losing" the emails must be false. Also,
federal law requires the IRS to keep permanent, backup copies of all of its
emails at an external location. And finally, the NSA has copies of all of the

698) Obama's so-called "independent" investigator of the Solyndra scandal
donated $52,500 to Obama's campaign

Although a so-called "independent" review said that Obama had not done anything
wrong in the Solyndra scandal, it was later reported that Herbert M. Allison
Jr., the person who had conducted this "independent" review, donated $52,500 to
Obama's campaign.

699) Gave bonuses to employees who created Oregon's defective Obamacare website

Obama gave Oregon $304 million to build its defective Obamacare website. As of
February 28, 2014, exactly zero people had signed up at Oregon's Obamacare

However, in June 2014, it was reported that the employees who had built
Oregon's defective Obamacare website had been given $650,000 in taxpayer funded

700) Gave news organizations the secret identity of the CIA's top officer in

In May 2014, the Obama administration gave news organizations the secret
identity of the CIA's top officer in Kabul.

701) Obama nominated a judge who had written memos in favor of using drones to
kill U.S. citizens without a trial, and Obama would not let people read those

In May 2014, Obama nominated David J. Barron to a seat on the United States
Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. Before that, when Barron was an
official in the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel, he had written
two memos arguing in favor of using drones to kill U.S. citizens without a
trial. When it was requested that these memos be made public, Obama refused to
do so.

702) In 2013, Obama released hundreds of illegal aliens who had been convicted
of violent crimes

In 2013, the Obama administration released hundreds of illegal aliens who had
been convicted of violent crimes. The violent crimes that they had been
convicted of included 193 murder convictions, 426 sexual assault convictions,
303 kidnapping convictions, and 1,075 aggravated assault convictions.

703) Obama's Department of Agriculture ordered submachine guns with 30 round

In May 2014, the Department of Agriculture ordered submachine guns with 30
round capacity. The order can be read here.

704) Illegally pressured banks to stop doing business with gun sellers

In May 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had imposed new
regulations on banks which pressured them to stop doing business with gun
sellers. Because Obama did this without approval from Congress, his actions
were illegal.

705) Illegally seized industrial hemp seeds

In May 2014, the DEA illegally seized industrial hemp seeds in Kentucky.

706) Falsely promised to end the problem of long waiting lists at Veterans
Administration hospitals

In 2008, Obama falsely promised to fix the problem of long waiting lists at
Veterans Administration hospitals.

707) Obama's Consumer Financial Protection Bureau holds its meetings in secret

In 2010, Obama signed the Dodd-Frank Act, which created the Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau, which holds its meetings in secret.

708) Falsely said he was "madder than hell" about long waiting lists at
Veterans Administration hospitals

In May 2014, Denis McDonough, Obama's chief of staff, said that Obama was
"madder than hell" about long waiting lists at Veterans Administration
hospitals. However, even though Obama had talked about this problem in 2008, he
had not done anything to fix it during his first five years as President.

709) Illegally ignored Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information requests
regarding Fast and Furious

Obama illegally ignored Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information requests
regarding Fast and Furious.

710) Illegally ignored Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information requests
regarding the Benghazi attacks

Obama illegally ignored Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information requests
regarding the Benghazi attacks.

711) Gave $499,479 of taxpayers' money to an organization that published a list
of "Pitfalls of Working With White People"

In May 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had given $499,479
to Beyond Diversity Resource Center, a New Jersey organization that published a
list of 29 "Pitfalls of Working With White People." Some of these "pitfalls"
said that white people "ask stupid questions," "are arrogant," "say something
stupid," and "get too friendly too fast."

712) Obama's Consumer Financial Protection Bureau stopped conducting employee
evaluations because they were "racist"

In May 2014, it was reported that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau had
stopped conducting employee evaluations because they were "racist." The
agency's new policy would pay all employees as if they had received the highest
score. This new policy will cost more than $5 million.

713) Fined Toyota $1.2 billion for the non-existent "problem" of "unintended
acceleration" after a government study proved that Toyota had done nothing

Beginning in 2009, there were media reports that Toyota cars had a "problem"
called "unintended acceleration." Allegedly, when drivers stepped on the break,
their cars would go faster instead of stopping. However, this "unintended
acceleration" was happening far more often with elderly drivers than with other
drivers, which suggested that the problem was caused by the driver hitting the
wrong pedal, and not by some defect in the car. In February 2011, a study by
NHTSA and NAA proved that Toyota was innocent. The study can be read here.
U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said, "The verdict is in. There is no
electronic-based cause for unintended high-speed acceleration in Toyotas."
However, despite Toyota's innocence, Obama fined them $1.2 billion.

714) Proposed that Hawaii's legal system treat people differently depending on
their race

In May 2014, it was reported that Obama had proposed that Hawaii adopt
different taxing, spending, and law enforcement policies for people, depending
on their race.

715) Spent $430,000 of taxpayers' money to renovate a house in Detroit, and
then sold it for $80,000

In May 2014, it was reported that the Obama adminitration had spent $430,000 to
renovate a house in Detroit, and then sold it for $80,000.

716) Illegally violated Freedom of Information request regarding the closing of
Mt. Rushmore during the October 2013 federal shutdown

During the federal shutdown of October 2013, South Dakota governor Dennis
Daugaard proposed using state and private funds to keep Mount Rushmore open,
but the Obama administration did not allow this to happen. In October 2013,
National Review filed a Freedom of Information request on this subject, but the
Obama administration illegally ignored the 20 day deadline for providing this
information, and did not provide it until May 2014.

717) Union that represents 16,500 border patrol agents complained that Obama
was forcing them to change the diapers of illegal aliens

In June 2014, the union that represents 16,500 border patrol agents complained
that Obama was forcing them to change the diapers of illegal aliens.

718) Turned U.S. military bases into day care centers for illegal aliens

In July 2014, it was reported that Obama had turned four U.S. military bases
into day care centers for illegal aliens.

719) Prohibited a U.S. Congressman from visiting a U.S. military base in his
own state that was being used to house illegal aliens

In July 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had prohibited U.S.
Congressman Jim Bridenstine (R-Oklahoma) from visiting Ft. Sill, a military
base in Lawton, Oklahoma, which the Obama administration was using to house
illegal aliens.

720) Spent $252 per day per child to house illegal aliens

In July 2014, it reported that the Obama administration was spending $252 per
day per child to house illegal aliens.

721) Flew illegal aliens to Massachusetts and then released them

In June 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had flown illegal
aliens to Massachusetts and then released them.

722) Fraudulently declared meadow jumping mouse "endangered" in order to hurt

On May 24, 2014, Wikipedia's article on the meadow jumping mouse stated:

The meadow jumping mouse (Zapus hudsonius) is the most widely distributed mouse
in the subfamily Zapodinae. It may be found from the Atlantic coast, to the
Great Plains, as far north as the arctic tree lines in Canada and Alaska, and
as far south as Georgia, Alabama, Arizona, and New Mexico.

The meadow jumping mouse is currently not in any kind of danger. According to
the IUCN Red list, it is widely spread, common, and not declining throughout
most of its extensive range. It is also present in many protected areas, and so
does not have any major threats of it becoming an endangered species.

However, on July 3, 2014, the Daily Caller reported:

Feds Declare Mouse Endangered, Family Might Lose Everything

A family's livestock enterprise in New Mexico is in danger of being completely
shut down now that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has declared the meadow
jumping mouse to be an endangered species...

The new regulations came into effect from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
last month, and as a result, the U.S. Forest Service is considering installing
8-foot high fences to protect the mouse, which would permanently prevent the
Lucero family's livestock from grazing.

The family is already in possession of grazing permits from the federal
government, but the permits become irrelevant in the event that a new species
is declared endangered.

The Lucero family has had their livestock graze on the land in the Santa Fe
National Forest for more than a century, starting first with sheep, but then
switching to cattle in the 1920s.

Obama's declaration of this animal as being "endangered" is contrary to all
scientific evidence, and is just a cover for his war on ranchers.

723) After cancer patient Linda Rolain paid her Obamacare premiums, Obamacare
refused to pay for her medical treatment, and she died

Linda Rolain lived in Las Vegas. She had brain cancer. After she paid her
Obamacare premiums, Obamacare refused to pay for her medical treatment, and she

724) Sued a private company for "discrimination" because it required its
employees to speak English

In July 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had sued Wisconsin
Plastics, Inc. for "discrimination" because it required its employees to speak

725) Gave thousands of illegal aliens bus tickets to the U.S. city of their

In June 2014, it was reported that Obama had given thousands of illegal aliens
bus tickets to the U.S. city of their choice.

726) "Thugs Run L.A. Classrooms, Thanks To Obama Suspension Ban"

In July 2014, Investor's Daily reported:

Thugs Run L.A. Classrooms, Thanks To Obama Suspension Ban

As we predicted, the Obama regime's anti-suspension policy is backfiring. Los
Angeles teachers complain unsuspended violent kids are intimidating them and
effectively ruling their classrooms.

In 2011, the Education Department accused the Los Angeles Unified School
District of discriminating against black boys, who were suspended for bad
behavior at a disproportionate rate. The agency ordered it to reduce
suspensions in the hopes that unruly minority students would stay in school and

Last year, Los Angeles schools became the first in the state to ban "willful
defiance" as grounds for suspension. As a result, their overall suspension rate
dropped to 1.5% from 8% in 2008.

Offenders just aren't being sent home at the same rate they were before the
federal order. And they're getting younger and bolder.

"Last week I was terrified and bullied by a fourth-grade student," a teacher at
an urban L.A. school said. "The black student told me to 'back off, bitch.' I
told him to go to the office and he said, 'No, bitch, and you and no one can
make me.'"

Complained another LAUSD teacher:

"Kids aren't even suspended for fights or drugs."

Even threats against teachers are ignored, as administrators' hands are tied by
the new policy. Knowing there won't be consequences, thugs can control the
classroom, disrupting lessons for other kids, including minorities, who want to

727) Sent 200 U.S. troops to Iraq in June 2014, even though the Iraq War had
allegedly ended in December 2011

In June 2014, Obama sent 200 U.S. troops to Iraq, even though the Iraq War had
allegedly ended in December 2011.

728) Served cake on Air Force One, but pressured public schools to ban it

In June 2014, Obama served cake on Air Force One, but pressured public schools
to ban it.

729) Threatened to arrest doctors and nurses if they talked about the
contagious diseases that illegal aliens were bringing into the U.S.

In July 2014, the Obama administration threatened to arrest doctors and nurses
if they talked about the contagious diseases that illegal aliens were bringing
into the U.S.

730) Illegally violated the religious freedom of Catholic business owners by
forcing them to pay for birth control

In June 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Obama had illegally violated
the religious freedom of Catholic business owners by forcing them to pay for
birth control.

731) Obama wanted poet Maya Angelou put in jail because she used a gun to
protect herself from someone who was trying to break into her home

In an interview with Time magazine, poet Maya Angelou said that she once used a
gun to protect herself from someone who was trying to break into her home.
When Obama was a state senator in Illinois, he voted against allowing people in
their own homes to use guns to protect themselves and their families from
murderers and rapists. Obama wanted Maya Angelou put in jail because she used a
gun to protect herself, in her own home, from an intruder who could have been
planning to rape and murder her.

732) Obama's Justice Department investigated a parade float that was critical
of Obama

In July 2014, the Justice Department launched an investigation into a parade
float that was critical of Obama.

733) Awarded a $50 million contract to put illegal aliens in a resort hotel
with an indoor Olympic sized swimming pool, an outdoor swimming pool, Jacuzzis,
a sauna, a steam room, tennis courts, racquetball courts, Wi-Fi, and cable TV

In July 2014, the Obama administration awarded a $50 million contract to put
illegal aliens in a resort hotel with an indoor Olympic sized swimming pool, an
outdoor swimming pool, Jacuzzis, a sauna, a steam room, tennis courts,
racquetball courts, Wi-Fi, and cable TV.

734) Allowed illegal aliens into the U.S. without performing proper medical

In July 2014, the Obama administration allowed illegal aliens into the U.S.
without providing proper medical screening.

735) "Border Patrol Agent Hospitalized with Pneumonia Caught from an Illegal
Immigrant, Expected to Have Lifelong Complications"

In July 2014, National Review reported:

Border Patrol Agent Hospitalized with Pneumonia Caught from an Illegal
Immigrant, Expected to Have Lifelong Complications

A Border Patrol agent from the Laredo, Texas, Sector has been hospitalized for
seven days with bacterial pneumonia, which the agent contracted while
processing illegal immigrants, officials from National Border Patrol Council
2455 tell National Review Online.

Agent Jarrad Seely, vice president of NBPC 2455, says the agent is expected to
have chronic asthmatic symptoms for life, according to information relayed by
the agent. The illness has so swollen the agent's throat that it's difficult
for the agent to speak, Seely says.

"It's a very traumatic experience for and family," he says. " got small
children." He says that it's too soon to tell if the agent will be able to make
a full recovery and return to work, and says the agent was healthy prior to
processing the immigrants.

736) Allowed illegal aliens with active cases of tuberculosis, scabies, lice,
and chicken pox to enter the U.S.

In July 2014, it was reported that Obama had allowed illegal aliens with active
cases of tuberculosis, scabies, lice, and chicken pox to enter the U.S.

737) Put illegal alien children into foster homes in the U.S. without doing
proper background checks of the foster parents

In July 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had put illegal
alien children into foster homes in the U.S. without doing proper background
checks of the foster parents.

738) Less than a month after Obama allowed illegal alien Pedro Alberto
Monterroso Navas to enter the U.S., Navas murdered someone in Louisiana

On June 26, 2014, illegal alien Pedro Alberto Monterroso Navas was caught
trying to enter the U.S. The Obama administration released him, and allowed him
to stay in the U.S. On July 13, 2014, Navas murdered someone in Louisiana.

739) Falsely said "... we would not make any decisions about transfer of any
detainees without consulting with Congress."

In June 2013, White House press secretary Jay Carney said:

"... we would not make any decisions about transfer of any detainees without
consulting with Congress."

However, in May 2014, the Obama administration broke this promise.

740) Repeatedly violated a judge's orders to stop destroying NSA records that
could have been used to prove that the NSA had broken the law

In June 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had repeatedly
violated a judge's orders to stop destroying NSA records that could have been
used to prove that the NSA had broken the law.

741) Noam Chomsky said Obama "... seems determined to demolish the foundations
of our civil liberties."

In June 2014, Noam Chomsky said that Obama

"... seems determined to demolish the foundations of our civil liberties."

742) Encouraged college students to take out loans that they could not afford
to pay back

In 2010, Obama signed a law that limited the monthly payments for student loans
to 10% of their discretionary income, and would forgive all remaining debt
after 20 years of payments. Since students know they won't have to pay back the
money, this encourages them to borrow more money than they could afford to pay

743) Illegally expanded student debt forgiveness

in June 2014, Obama expanded student debt forgiveness. Because Obama did this
without approval from Congress, his action was illegal.

744) Broke his promise to end no-bid contracts above $25,000

In January 2010, it was reported that Obama had broken his promise to end no-
bid contracts above $25,000.

745) Planned to free an al Qaeda terrorist because he had started doing yoga

In June 2014, it was reported that Obama was planning to free an al Qaeda
terrorist because he had started doing yoga.

746) Obamacare call center employee left confidential info of Obamacare
customers at a deli

In June 2014, it was reported that an employee of an Obamacare call center had
left a backpack containing handwritten notepads at a deli in Hartford,
Connecticut. The notepads contained names, addresses, and social security
numbers of 151 Obamacare customers.

747) Obama proposed housing almost 30,000 illegal aliens in the U.S. for one
year for $126,000 each, would is 200 times the cost of flying them back to
their home country

In July 2014, Obama proposed spending $3.8 billion to house almost 30,000
illegal aliens in the U.S. for one year. That works out to $126,000 to house
each illegal alien for one year. Flying them back to their home country would
only cost 1/200th of that amount.

748) In the name of "diversity," Obama chose a non-pilot to head the Air Force
in the Pacific

In July 2014, in the name of "diversity," Obama chose a non-pilot to head the
Air Force in the Pacific. A retired pilot explained why this was a terrible
thing for Obama to do:

"It is because you make operational decisions that require the understanding of
what you are going to ask pilots to execute in combat where the wrong decisions
mean the difference between life and death."

749) In the name of "protecting" the environment, Obama made it harder for
firefighters to fight wildfires

In July 2014, it was reported that in the name of "protecting" the environment,
Obama made it harder for firefighters to fight wildfires.

750) In the name of "safety," Obama banned the use of wood in cheese-making,
even though it has zero safety risk when done properly

In June 2014, in the name of "safety," the Obama administration banned the use
of wood in cheese-making, even though it has zero safety risk when done

Chris Roelli, a Wisconsin cheese maker, said of this:

"... the flavor produced by aging on wood cannot be duplicated. This is a major
game changer for the dairy industry in Wisconsin, and many other states."

"We do not have a viable option available to us that will do the same things
that the wood does to the cheese... The wood provides a way of controlling
moisture, wood provides flavor, and the wood provides a stable environment for
the beneficial microbes to grow that allow the cheese rind to develop."

"Wood has been used in cheese making in Europe for thousands of years, from day
one of cheese... it would severely hamper what we are doing at this point. 85%
of the product I manufacture is made to be aged on wood."

751) Veterans Administration hospital spent $20 million on solar panels while
its patients died from lack of treatment

In June 2014, it was reported that the Phoenix VA Health Care System spent $20
million on solar panels while as many as 40 of its patients died while waiting
for care.

752) Prohibited members of Congress from bringing cameras or audio recorders
when they visited a shelter housing illegal aliens

In June 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had prohibited
members of Congress from bringing cameras or audio recorders when they visited
a shelter housing illegal aliens.

753) Threatened to arrest border patrol agents if they talked to reporters

In June 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had threatened to
arrest border patrol agents if they talked to reporters.

754) Allowed known gang member illegal aliens to enter the U.S.

In June 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had allowed known
gang member illegal aliens to enter the U.S.

755) Covered up deaths at a Veterans Administration hospital to make its
statistics look better

In June 2014, CNN reported:

Records of dead veterans were changed or physically altered, some even in
recent weeks, to hide how many people died while waiting for care at the
Phoenix VA hospital, a whistle-blower told CNN in stunning revelations that
point to a new coverup in the ongoing VA scandal.

"Deceased" notes on files were removed to make statistics look better, so
veterans would not be counted as having died while waiting for care, Pauline
DeWenter said.

756) Punished a whistleblower for exposing abuse of patients at a Veterans
Administration hospital

In June 2014, it was reported that Val Riviello had worked at a Veterans
Administration hospital in Albany, New York for 28 years, first as as a nurse,
and later as a nursing manger. She had always been considered an outstanding
employee. However, after she exposed the abuse of patients, she was moved to an
office cubicle, was prohibited from working as a nurse or as a nursing manager,
and faced a possible 30 day suspension without pay.

757) "Military Bans Bibles But Forces Soldiers to Adhere to Ramadan Rules"

In June 2014, the Getaway Pundit reported:

Military Bans Bibles But Forces Soldiers to Adhere to Ramadan Rules

The US Air Force kicked Christian Gideon's volunteers off base in March. The
Bibles were too offensive and violated the separation of church and state rule.

But US military personnel are expected to adhere Islamic practices during

758) Obama supporters who repeatedly criticized Bush's "tax cuts for the rich"
don't seem to care that Obama signed a two year extension of them

Obama supporters who repeatedly criticized Bush's "tax cuts for the rich" don't
seem to care that Obama signed a two year extension of them.

759) Veterans Administration employees avoided helping veterans so they could
work on Obamacare

In July 2014, it was reported that Veterans Administration employees had
avoided helping veterans so they could work on Obamacare.

760) U.S. Supreme Court ruled 9-0 that Obama did not have the legal authority
to tell churches who their ministers should be

In January 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 9-0 that Obama did not have the
legal authority to tell churches who their ministers should be.

761) Illegally seized raisins from farmers

Ever since FDR's New Deal, every President, including Obama, has been seizing
raisins from farmers without paying them the compensation that was required by
the takings clause of the fifth amendment.

762) Prohibited members of the media from bringing cameras or audio recorders
when they visited a shelter housing illegal aliens

In July 2014, it was reported that Obama had prohibited members of the media
from bringing cameras or audio recorders when they visited a shelter housing
illegal aliens.

763) Falsely blamed the shrinking economy on winter weather

In July 2014, Obama blamed the shrinking economy on the previous winter's
weather. However, during four of the five worst winter storms since 1947, the
economy got bigger, not smaller.

764) Even after illegal alien gang members admitted to having committed torture
and murder, Obama still allowed them into the U.S.

In July 2014, it was reported that even after illegal alien gang members
admitted to having committed torture and murder, Obama still allowed them into
the U.S.

765) Allowed illegal alien gang members to spray graffiti on the walls of a
federal building

In July 2014, it was reported that Obama had allowed illegal alien gang members
to spray graffiti on the walls of a federal building.

766) 38 media organizations complained to Obama about his lack of transparency

In July 2014, 38 media organizations sent a letter to Obama complaining about
his lack of transparency. The letter can be read here.

767) Prohibited school children from sending U.S. troops Christmas cards that
said "Merry Christmas" or "God Bless You"

In December 2013, it was reported that the Obama administration had prohibited
school children from sending U.S. troops Christmas cards that said "Merry
Christmas" or "God Bless You."

768) Filed charges against FedEx because some of its customers had shipped
prescription medications without a prescription

In July 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had filed charges
against FedEx because some of its customers had shipped prescription
medications without a prescription.

769) Illegally gave Obamacare waivers to U.S. territories

In July 2014, it was reported that Obama had given Obamacare waivers to U.S.
territories (Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, etc.,), which exempted them
from certain Obamacare regulations. Because Obama did this without approval
from Congress, his action was illegal.

770) Secretly flew four planeloads of illegal aliens to Massachusetts without
notifying local communities

In July 2014, it was discovered that the Obama administration had secretly
flown four planeloads of illegal aliens to Massachusetts without notifying
local communities.

771) Illegally aided and abetted the smuggling of illegal aliens

After Obama ordered border patrol agents not to talk to the media, border
patrol agent Hector Garza ignored the gag order, and told CNN that Obama was
aiding and abetting the smuggling of illegal aliens. The CNN report can be seen

772) Sent hundreds of unaccompanied illegal alien children to Chicago

In July 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had sent hundreds
of unaccompanied illegal alien children to Chicago.

773) Pulled 70% of border patrol agents off their patrols and made them do
paperwork instead

In July 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had pulled 70% of
border patrol agents off their patrols and made them do paperwork instead.

774) Allowed illegal aliens to fly on commercial airlines without proper ID

In July 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration was allowing
illegal aliens to fly on commercial airlines without proper ID

775) Falsely said "Today border security is stronger than it ever has been."

In July 2014, the Obama administration said:

"Today border security is stronger than it ever has been."

Many of the entries on this list prove that the Obama administration was lying.

776) Allowed illegal alien gang members to use a federal building as a
recruitment center for gangs

In July 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration was allowing
illegal alien gang members to use a federal building as a recruitment center
for gangs.

777) Spent as much as $1,000 each on beds for illegal alien children

In July 2014, Sylvia Burwell, Obama's Secretary of Health and Human Services,
said the government was spending as much as $1,000 each on beds for illegal
alien children. has many fine children's beds for far lower prices.

778) Ordered a U.S. Congressman to stop criticizing Obama's policy on illegal

In July 2014, U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) told CNN that the White
House had called him and ordered him to stop criticizing Obama's policy on
illegal aliens. The CNN report can be seen at

779) Falsely said that his policies had not caused an increase in illegal

In July 2014, Obama falsely said that his policies had not caused an increase
in illegal immigration.

780) Gave taxpayers' money to terrorists who launched rockets at Israel

In July 2014, it was reported that Obama had given taxpayers' money to
terrorists who launched rockets at Israel.

781) Helen Thomas said Obama's administration was less transparent than Nixon's

In July 2009, White House reporter Helen Thomas said:

"The point is the control from here. We have never had that in the White House.
And we have had some control but not this control. I mean I'm amazed, I'm
amazed at you people who call for openness and transparency and have
controlled... Nixon didn't try to do that... They couldn't control (the media).
They didn't try. What the hell do they think we are, puppets? They're supposed
to stay out of our business. They are our public servants. We pay them."

782) "The president's day-to-day policy development... is almost totally

In February 2013, ABC News White House reporter Ann Compton, who covered
Presidents Ford, Carter, Reagan, Clinton, both Bushes, and Obama, said:

"The president's day-to-day policy development... is almost totally opaque to
the reporters trying to do a responsible job of covering it. There are no
readouts from big meetings he has with people from the outside, and many of
them aren't even on his schedule. This is different from every president I
covered. This White House goes to extreme lengths to keep the press away."

783) Obama is the "least transparent of the seven presidents I've covered"

In October 2013, ABC News correspondent Ann Compton said that Obama was the

"least transparent of the seven presidents I've covered in terms of how he does
his daily business."

784) "The Obama administration has been extremely controlling and extremely
resistant to journalistic intervention."

In October 2013, Michael Oreskes, a senior managing editor at Associated Press,

"the Obama administration has been extremely controlling and extremely
resistant to journalistic intervention."

785) Gave one of his campaign donors and fundraisers an exemption from rules
that govern airway auctions

In July 2014, Obama gave Grain Management LLC an exemption from rules that
govern airway auctions. The company is controlled by David Grain, who had
donated more than $60,000 to Obama's campaign and the Democratic National
Committee in 2008, and $22,500 in 2012, and had raised between $200,000 and
$500,000 for Obama's campaign during the 2008 election.

786) Tried to keep White House emails secret during the Breitbart-Sherrod libel

In July 2014, during the Breitbart-Sherrod libel lawsuit, the Obama
administration tried to keep the relevant White House emails secret.

787) NSA often shared private photos of people who were under surveillance

In July 2014, the New York Times reported that the NSA often shared private
photos of people who were under surveillance.

788) Contradicted his own claim that he had learned about many of his scandals
from the news

Before July 2014, Obama had said that he had learned about many of his scandals
from the news. However, in July 2014, he said that he doesn't watch the news,

"Whatever they're reporting about, usually I know."

789) Gave Obamacare policies and subsidies to non-existent people with fake ID

In July 2014, it was reported that Obamacare had given policies and subsidies
to non-existent people with fake ID.

790) Obama's fundraiser prevented a woman in labor from getting to the hospital

In July 2014 in Los Angeles, Obama's fundraiser prevented a woman in labor from
getting to the hospital.

791) Falsely said "It's pretty hard to find an economic measure where we're not
significantly better off."
In July 2014, Obama said:

"It's pretty hard to find an economic measure where we're not significantly
better off."

However, in May 2014, it had been reported that the labor participation rate
had fallen to its lowest level since 1978. Furthermore, in April 2014, one
million discouraged workers quit looking for a job. In addition, during Obama's
"recovery," median annual household income fell by 4.4%, the poverty rate went
up, the percentage of the population on food stamps increased, the home
ownership rate fell, and income inequality got bigger.

792) Pressured schools to stop having bake sales

In July 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had pressured
schools to stop having bake sales.

793) Served his own guests lunch with more than 3,000 calories, but limited
students' school lunches to 850 calories

In December 2010, Obama signed a law that limited students' school lunches to
no more than 850 calories. However, at his iauguration in January 2013, he
served his guests a lunch that contained more than 3,000 calories.

794) Pointed a loaded gun at Iowa Boy Scouts troops, confiscated one of their
cameras, and threatened to put them in prison

In July 2014, at the Canada-Alaska border, Obama's border patrol pointed a
loaded gun at Iowa Boy Scout troops, confiscated one of their cameras, and
threatened to put them in prison.

795) For four years, IRS supervisors were too dumb to notice that their own
employee was embezzling money from the IRS

In mid-2009, IRS employee Yetunde Oseni was given an IRS credit card for work
related purchases. Over the next four years, she used it to purchase hundreds
of items for herself from, including a chocolate fondue fountain,
Bollywood movies, Pampers, Harlequin romance novels, Omaha Steaks, Apple
Bottoms skinny jeans, mango body wash, a Ginsu knife set, a snow-cone maker, a
pinata, and two trench coats. During those four years, her supervisors were too
stupid to notice the fake receipts that she was giving them for these

796) Lent $105 million of taxpayers' money to build an aquarium in Fortaleza,

In July 2014, it was reported that the Obama administration had lent $105
million of taxpayers' money to build an aquarium in Fortaleza, Brazil.

797) Spent $34 million of taxpayers' money to try to convince the people of
Afghanistan to grow and eat soybeans, even though it's not part of their
traditional diet, and the climate does not favor it

Between 2010 and 2014, the Obama administration spent a total of $34 million of
taxpayers' money to try to convince the people of Afghanistan to grow and eat
soybeans. The Obama administration ignored the warnings from agronomists that
the country's climate was not appropriate for growing soybeans. In addition,
soybeans are not part of the traditional Afghan diet.

798) "Surveillance Programs Hinder Journalists, Lawyers, Report Says"

In July 2014, the Wall St. Journal reported:

Surveillance Programs Hinder Journalists, Lawyers, Report Says

Large-scale U.S. surveillance programs hinder the ability of journalists to
communicate confidentially with sources and restrain lawyers from adequately
representing clients, according to a report issued Monday by two advocacy

As a result, journalists and lawyers face challenges-both to their ability to
disseminate information and to hold the U.S. government accountable-said the
report by Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union. The groups
said the government's "massively powerful surveillance apparatus" limits and
jeopardizes the privacy required by both groups."

Journalists and their sources, as well as lawyers and their clients, are
changing their behavior in ways that undermine basic rights and corrode
democratic processes," it said.

799) Purchased gears for $8,123.50 each, even though they could have been
purchased for $445.06 each

In July 2014, it was reported that the Pentagon had purchased gears for
$8,123.50 each, even though they could have been purchased for $445.06 each.

800) Hundreds of thousands of machine guns and rifles that Obama gave to
Afghanistan were "missing"

In July 2014, it was reported that hundreds of thousands of machine guns and
rifles that Obama had given to Afghanistan were "missing."


Navy CorPse man?

57 states?

He Sees Dead People: "On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its
unbroken line of fallen heroes - I see many of them in the audience
here today.

Haley Joel Osment Has NOTHING On Obama

I bowled a 129 like a Special Olympian?

Yeah, THAT Was Sensitive

Israel is a strong friend of Israel's?

I just noticed I can't speak without my teleprompter!

It would cost... it would cost about... the same as what we would
spend... it would cosssst...It would cost... it would cost about...
the same as what we would spend... it would cosssst...It would
cost... it would cost about... the same as what we would spend... it
would cosssst...It would cost... it would cost about... the same as
what we would spend... it would cosssst...

"I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for
me as a Christian ... it's also a sacred union. You know, GOD'S in the
mix..." - Barack Hussein Obama

"I am not a supporter of gay marriage as it has been thrown about,
primarily just as a strategic issue. I think that marriage, in the minds
of a lot of voters, has a religious connotation." - Barack Hussein Obama
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