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Peter Nygard Facing Nine Charges Including Racketeering And Sex Trafficking In America.

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Greg Carr

Dec 16, 2020, 2:52:25 AM12/16/20
Canadian Clothing Tycoon Peter Nygard Arrested In Winnipeg
The designer is facing a class-action lawsuit in the U.S. alleging the sexual assault of dozens of women.
The Canadian Press
Authorities in the United States say Canadian fashion mogul Peter Nygard has been indicted on nine charges including racketeering and sex trafficking.

A news release from the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York says the charges arise “out of a decades-long pattern of criminal conduct involving at least dozens of victims in the United States, the Bahamas, and Canada, among other locations.”

The release was issued on behalf of Audrey Strauss, the acting U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, William F. Sweeney Jr. with the FBI’s New York office and Dermot Shea, commissioner of the New York City police.

Nygard was arrested in Winnipeg on Monday under the Extradition Act. He appeared in front of a judge Tuesday afternoon.

Peter Nygard is seen here in Beverly Hills, Calif., on Feb. 28, 2016. The businessman is facing a separate...
Peter Nygard is seen here in Beverly Hills, Calif., on Feb. 28, 2016. The businessman is facing a separate class-action lawsuit involving 57 women.
Nygard slowly entered the courtroom shackled and surrounded by three sheriffs. His long grey hair was tied back in a messy bun. He wore green-coloured sweat pants with a bright yellow stripe down the leg and a wide black belt. A white non-medical mask covered his face.

He was ordered held in custody. No date was set for a bail hearing and the case is due back in court on Jan. 13.

The U.S. authorities allege that over 25 years, Nygard used his fashion company’s influence, as well as its employees and funds, to recruit and use women and girls for the sexual gratification of himself and his friends and business associates.

“Nygard frequently targeted women and minor-aged girls who came from disadvantaged economic backgrounds and/or who had a history of abuse,” the indictment alleges.

“He controlled his victims through threats, false promises of modelling opportunities and other career advancement, financial support, and by other coercive means, including constant surveillance, restrictions of movement, and physical isolation.”

“Nygard forcibly sexually assaulted some of his victims. Other victims were forcibly assaulted by Nygard’s associates or drugged to ensure their compliance with his sexual demands.”

Nygard founded his fashion company in 1967 in Winnipeg, where it grew from a partial stake in a women’s garment manufacturer to a brand name sold in stores around the world.

He stepped down as chairman of his company after the FBI and police raided his offices in New York City in February.

The U.S. attorney notes that none of the allegations against Nygard has been proven in court.

The 79-year-old has denied similar allegations in a class-action lawsuit currently on hold in the U.S., blaming a conspiracy caused by a feud with his billionaire neighbour in the Bahamas.

That lawsuit involves 57 women — including 18 Canadians — who allege that Nygard used violence, intimidation, bribery and company employees to lure victims and avoid accountability for decades.

“We are encouraged that a small measure of justice for Peter Nygard is finally developing,” Greg G. Gutzler, a lawyer for the women, said in a statement Tuesday.

“We are relieved that some measure of accountability is hopefully forthcoming, but we would be remiss if we did not state that this is something that should have been done decades ago.”

An “open secret” at his companies
There were signs in the summer that the investigation against Nygard was progressing in the U.S.

The class-action lawsuit was put on pause in August by a judge in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. The reasons for that were sealed. However, the court docket said it resulted from a government motion that named three federal prosecutors.

The Department of Justice and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York did not respond to a request for comment at the time.

The women are asking for a trial by jury and are seeking yet-to-be determined damages.

In court filings earlier this year, Nygard argued the New York court does not have jurisdiction to hear the lawsuit.

Two of Nygard’s sons also filed a separate lawsuit against him this month claiming they were statutorily raped at his direction when they were teens. The sons say Nygard arranged for a woman to have sex with them. Nygard has said through his lawyer that he was shocked by the allegations and categorically denied them.

That lawsuit alleges Nygard’s sexual predation is an “open secret” at his companies.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Dec. 15, 2020.
There have been various news stories about the rapist Peter Nygard for years. There have been demonstrations in front of his business in Winnipeg. Nygard story. Nygard.

Pretty lame that CDN authorities could do nothing about this evil man for years. The N.S. shooter failure where ppl with no criminal records with govt jobs said he had multiple illegal guns and the GRC did nothing. The killer gunman received a large amount of bulk cash through usu. methods and had links to a HA associatte.

WE is a scam. They didn't even file their fiscals like other charities in Canada did last year. The Keilburgers and their parents belong in jail. Trudeau, Telford, Butts, Chagger, Taggert and Haydu and Tait must resign. Alexandre (Sassy Sasha) Trudeau the mansion living brother of Justin and Maggie their pot smoking drug casualty cocaine and psilocybin bipolar, slut Mom must return all the money plus the expenses. $700k . Maggie the unattractive lives in a dingy Mtl apt. alone because no man wants her which because of her slovenly habits catches fire. Her sons Sacha and Justin with their inherited mansions and Justin's 2 million dollar Mercedes-Benz won't allow Maggie to live with them fearing for their children's lives. The Trudeau crooks gave tax payer dollars to WE to help out Mommy fornicator . They are engaged in a total coverup and the RCMP and Toronto Police and CRA and OPP just cash their cheques and do nothing with the CBC along for the ride. SNC-Lavalin. The Admiral Mark Norman debacle where the Liberals trumped up criminal charges against him only to later retract and apologize and give him taxpayer hush money to stay quiet. 5 times the Liberals have been cited by their own appointed Ethics Commissioner. DEFUND THE CBC. Sell the CBC building in Vancouver to developers make it 20% affordable low cost housing and 10% for O.A.S. and disability welfare reciepients. Voting Tory. There is talk of a spring election.
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