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International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia

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David Dalton

May 17, 2023, 3:56:52 AM5/17/23
Today (May 17) is the
International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia.

The current late waning crescent moon, which is
a little less than 2.5 days before new/dark moon, is like a
waning horn of a bull or buffalo. The early waxing crescent
in 5.5 days time will be like a waxing horn of a bull or buffalo.
The new/dark moon in between is like a dark bull or buffalo.

This is an auspicious time for me to attempt to instigate
a global new age, and my attempt is described on the
“Lode of Bull (or Buffalo)” thread on alt.religion.druid .

Some may also be interested in my Eight Sexual Harmonics
matchmaking theory on my mystic page. I claim to be
straight-type-2-M, compatible only with bifs (women
attracted to both genders, not necessarily having sex
with both genders), and having bridge/friendship/trust
attraction to lesbians who are happily lesbian.

David Dalton (home page) Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"My momma was a waitress; My daddy a truckdriver; The thing
that kept their power from them; Slowed me down awhile." (Ferron)

David Dalton

May 17, 2023, 4:33:15 AM5/17/23
On May 17, 2023, David Dalton wrote
(in article<>):

> Today (May 17) is the
> International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia.
> The current late waning crescent moon, which is
> a little less than 2.5 days before new/dark moon, is like a
> waning horn of a bull or buffalo. The early waxing crescent
> in 5.5 days time will be like a waxing horn of a bull or buffalo.
> The new/dark moon in between is like a dark bull or buffalo.
> This is an auspicious time for me to attempt to instigate
> a global new age, and my attempt is described on the
> “Lode of Bull (or Buffalo)” thread on alt.religion.druid .
> Some may also be interested in my Eight Sexual Harmonics
> matchmaking theory on my mystic page. I claim to be
> straight-type-2-M, compatible only with bifs (women
> attracted to both genders, not necessarily having sex
> with both genders), and having bridge/friendship/trust
> attraction to lesbians who are happily lesbian.

Some other well-known straight-type-2 men are

Jack Nicholson
Jim Carrey
Chris Isaak
Leonardo Dicaprio
Josh Groban
Ronnie Wood
Bernie Taupin
Ron Howard
Shane MacGowan
Vladimir Putin
Dennis Arfa
Emmanuel Macron
Boris johnson
Bruce Cockburn
The Dalai Lama’s Oracle
Preston Bezos
Damian Marley
Bruno Mars
Kevin Costner.

Some of them, however, are or have been in platonic relationships
with lesbians (women attracted just to women). Some may
think they are incel.

Some well-known straight-type-2 women (compatible [orgasmic
up close] only with bims, men attracted to both genders) are:

Kate Bush
Joni Mitchell
The Weather Station
Jann Arden
Cyndi Lauper
Britney Spears
Dua Lipa
Iggy Azalea
Gwyneth Paltrow
J.K. Rowling
Drew Barrymore
Patti Smith
Gloria Gaynor
Sarah Palin
Alicia Keys
Xi Mingze
Charlotte Cardin
Michelle Obama

Some of them, however, are or have been in platonic relationships
with gays (men attracted just to men). Some may think they
are asexual.

David Dalton

May 17, 2023, 11:45:42 PM5/17/23
On May 17, 2023, David Dalton wrote
(in article<>):

> The current late waning crescent moon, which is
> a little less than 2.5 days before new/dark moon, is like a
> waning horn of a bull or buffalo. The early waxing crescent
> in 5.5 days time will be like a waxing horn of a bull or buffalo.
> The new/dark moon in between is like a dark bull or buffalo.
> This is an auspicious time for me to attempt to instigate
> a global new age, and my attempt is described on the
> “Lode of Bull (or Buffalo)” thread on alt.religion.druid .

On the Pagan Newfoundland Facebook group someone
just posted that the upcoming new moon is a
Taurus new moon.

Queer Senior

May 18, 2023, 9:05:45 AM5/18/23
On Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 3:56:52 AM UTC-4, David Dalton wrote:
> Today (May 17) is the
> International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia.
> > --

David, thanks so much for posting this. It's especially fitting in 2023 to celebrate anti-Homophobia, anti-Transphobia, and anti-Biphobia, because, more than ever, there is so much hatred being thrown at us. Not a day goes by that I don't hear about psycho politicians like Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbot, and Mark Burns, who aren't trying to pass laws that basically call for our extermination. Then you have hardline, right-wing conservative media bigots like Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, Candace Owens, Tim Pool, Steven Crowder, Charlie Kirk, and Ben Shapiro, all calling for us to be murdered. The ones that get me are these so-called "loving Christian" hate preachers the likes of Jonathan Shelley, Jason Graber, Aaron Thompson, Tony Perkins, and steven Anderson, just to name a few, who week after week stand up at their pulpits and call for the government to round us all up and execute us. Then again, by calling for the government to kill us, it washes their hands of any crime if one of their congregation members decides to take the preacher's demands up and goes and kills anyone who identifies as LGBTQ. Sickening!

That's just the United States. It's also getting bad here in Canada. We have hate-spewing politicians like Maxime Bernier and Christian Heritage Party Leader Rodney Taylor (I call it the Christian Hate Party, by the way) who are very open about their burning hatred toward the LGBTQ community. And where does Pierre Poilievre stand? Judging by some of what he said, like his opposition to same-sex marriage rights, tells me he's an even more dangerous Homophobe. Let's not forget that we also have Christian-based hate groups like Campaign Life Coalition, Liberty Coalition, Parents in Education, Action4Canada, and Blueprint for Canada, who have the agenda to infest the education systems across the country to absolutely destroy the lives of LGBTQ students. These hate spreading bigots are going to school board meetings and demanding that school boards remove any and all protection for LGBTQ students, leaving them very vulnerable to physical and emotional abuse. They want Gay students driven to suicide. The trouble is, in Ontario, these hate-filled parasites backed the Doug Ford government in order to get a notorious Homophobic Christian nationalist installed as education minister. Worse, Doug Ford installed a more dangerous and incompetent Homophobic Christian nationalist bigot as the parliamentary secretary to the education minister.

There's another group that is spreading hate at an alarming rate, and that is the members of the domestic terrorist group, the so-called Freedom Convoy. As I described them, they are domestic terrorists, and sadly, they have strong support from Pierre Poilievre. Add to that, the worst group for LGBTQ hate, is the police. Where I live, Hamilton, Ontario, there is lots of talk about hate crimes with the police and city officials. They concentrate mainly on racial and religious hate crimes. They never ever mention hate crimes against members of the LGBTQ community. Never! Then again, it's well known that police are notoriously Homophobic.

More and more, as each day passes, I see and feel that my life as an openly Gay person is in danger. Sadly, I see it getting increasingly worse. Sad too is the fact that since 1969, when the Gay lifestyle was finally removed from the criminal code, that all the rights we fought for are now being taken away, and that people, especially Christian nationalist conservatives, are applauding. I also see a day where the Canadian government, especially if we elect that bigot Poilievre as Prime Minister, will reinstate the death penalty, and make the Gay lifestyle illegal again, and make it automatically subject to the death penalty. I only hope it won't hurt too bad when the rope snaps tight and impacts my neck!

David Dalton

May 23, 2023, 10:34:19 PM5/23/23
On May 18, 2023, Queer Senior wrote
(in article<>):
Thanks for all that information.

In my magickal global binding of criminals, those whose
hate speech has led someone to commit suicide are
guilty of murder and classed as major criminals.

For my recent and ongoing progress see alt.religion.druid .
For background see my Salmon on the Thorns webpage.
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