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Guy wiz

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David Dalton

May 2, 2022, 3:03:51 AM5/2/22
Guy wiz (Gee Whiz).

May he R.I.P. (Rule In Playoffs).

Earlier I facilitated a soul alignment between him
and the Bell Centre, so he is now the house spirit
of the Bell Centre. (This is similar to the classic
soul alignment of Jesus with the bread and wine.)

Also for those who read my earlier writing on, I am still saying that
straight-type-2-M Auston Matthews is compatible
with bifs (females attracted to both genders)
Ruth B. and A. Harmony.

David Dalton (home page)
ttps:// Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"I gave my love a golden feather/I gave my love a heart of stone/When you
find a golden feather/It means you'll never lose your way back home"(R.R.)

David Dalton

May 7, 2022, 9:05:52 PM5/7/22
In article
David Dalton <> wrote:

> Guy wiz (Gee Whiz).
> May he R.I.P. (Rule In Playoffs).

I guess for the Canadiens that will have to be next
year, but maybe he can influence the success of
Canadian teams this year.

> Earlier I facilitated a soul alignment between him
> and the Bell Centre, so he is now the house spirit
> of the Bell Centre. (This is similar to the classic
> soul alignment of Jesus with the bread and wine.)

What about some other great deceased Canadiens?
I don't think I should multiply align the Bell
Centre, though two individuals can share the same
sou yet have different consciousnesses, but instead
when I am next in Montreal I will facilitate (they
have to agree) alignment of each of them with
a local sports bar.

> Also for those who read my earlier writing on
> , I am still saying that
> straight-type-2-M Auston Matthews is compatible
> with bifs (females attracted to both genders)
> Ruth B. and A. Harmony.

It seems that his old lock has not yet been dissolved
and the species split has not yet occurred, but both
those should occur within the next few hours. Again
he, unlike bims and straight-type-1 males, can not be
deceived by lesbians pretending to be bif or straight
and would not respond to them up close. Also he
would have ejaculation without orgasm with a straight-type-1
female such as his wife, and he would be
attracted to her only when she is ovulating.
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