Fwd: residency in venice for the biennale

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lorenzo romito

Sep 3, 2008, 2:01:19 PM9/3/08
to campu...@googlegroups.com

Dear All,
from the 7th to the 13th of september we have the island of marzorbetto as our recidency for the Biennale
is 40 minutes away from venice by ferry, is anabandoned fortress
you are wellcome to come and stay with us
please contact massim...@osservatorionomade.net to confirm the dates of your presence
we wait for you
all the best
lorenzo romito
stalker - osservatorio nomade

lorenzo romito
stalker - osservatorio nomade

anahita tabrizi

Sep 17, 2008, 12:20:05 PM9/17/08
to campu...@googlegroups.com

Hello Lorenzo,
It was exiting to hear that you are going to have a place during the biennale. I am now attending hyper body studio and we are coming to Venice, but i will be there from 2 of October till the forth. It would be really great if you will be there and we can meet as there is along time since our Roma journey. I am really excited to see you and  others again.

lorenzo romito

Sep 22, 2008, 5:29:38 AM9/22/08
to campu...@googlegroups.com
Dear Anahita,
I don't think I can be in venice those days,
but please go and visit the two stalker projects for the biennale in arsenale and in the padiglione italia at the giardini
let's keep in touch
and come and visit when you want

2008/9/17 anahita tabrizi <anath...@gmail.com>
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