Let's Count to 2017

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Erik Blixt

Mar 8, 2013, 10:21:47 AM3/8/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
1.) At my 8 AM
2.) I don't want to quantum mechanics
3.) 43 minutes until SB

Rachel Pacilio

Mar 8, 2013, 1:03:27 PM3/8/13
to Erik Blixt, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
4.) Why are you in quantum mechanics?
5.) Gross
Rachel M. Pacilio
Texas A&M University '15 | Molecular and Cell Biology, Neuroscience

Connor York

Mar 8, 2013, 1:10:32 PM3/8/13
to Rachel Pacilio, Erik Blixt, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
6) that sounds like slight death
7) I just made blueberry muffins 
8) they're delicious

Sent from my iPhone


Mar 8, 2013, 1:42:23 PM3/8/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
9) I feel like I'd hate my life if quantum mechanics was my last class until spring break.
10) I'm on spring break.
11) My ride is an hour late.

Megan Kim

Mar 8, 2013, 1:45:59 PM3/8/13
to hmbigham, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
12. I am about to meet my friend so we can drive up to Keller together.
13. Good thing we aren't in the same fish camp... that would make
things with the road trip policy a bit awkward.
14. I may or may not be skipping my Italian class (I totally am).

Sent from my iPhone

Trevor Robinson

Mar 8, 2013, 2:32:22 PM3/8/13
to Megan Kim, hmbigham, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
15.) I am currently being really lazy and eating cake and playing video games at 1 31.  
16.)   Can't wait to go home tomorrow and steal all the food while my family is out of town.
17.)   Only downside is I have to go back to Mansfield.  I hate going to Mansfield now. 

Amanda Martindale

Mar 8, 2013, 4:00:39 PM3/8/13
to Trevor Robinson, Megan Kim, hmbigham, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
18. I've had a midterm and 2 quizzes today
19. Only like 1/12 of my last class showed up and I was one of those suckers
20. I have to drive today for the first time since this summer... (Watch out on the road)

Billy DeMyer

Mar 8, 2013, 4:10:06 PM3/8/13
to Amanda Martindale, Trevor Robinson, Megan Kim, hmbigham, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
21. DANGIT! I keep forgetting to say reply all haha
22. Technology isn't my forte
23. That paper definitely took me like 2x long than I thought...was up until four!
24. Buuuut...SB has officially started!

Scott Montague

Mar 8, 2013, 6:20:19 PM3/8/13
to Billy DeMyer, Amanda Martindale, Trevor Robinson, Megan Kim, hmbigham, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
26. I love my dog. Expect pictures. En masse.
27. ALSO...I dunno I feel bad only posting like 2-3 numbers.
28. OH...I'm home :)

Noelle Buttery

Mar 8, 2013, 8:35:11 PM3/8/13
to Scott Montague, Billy DeMyer, Amanda Martindale, Trevor Robinson, Megan Kim, hmbigham, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
29. Catching up on Duck Dynasty right now. So. Happy.
30. I have to be up at 3:30 tomorrow morning.
31. We have a ten hour layover in Seattle
32. I wish I had frozen some twinkies before they went out of business.  Now my kids will never know what twinkies taste like.
33. Ran over a skunk today and now my car smells putrid.
34. I'm going to go check my test grade. wish me luck.
35. I'm going to text y'all every day so GET READY.

Melinda Rae Pope

Mar 8, 2013, 9:56:16 PM3/8/13
to Noelle Buttery, Scott Montague, Billy DeMyer, Amanda Martindale, Trevor Robinson, Megan Kim, hmbigham, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
36. I can't wait for your texts
37. I smell like a campfire
39. I'm watching Celebrity Apprentice
40. A new GLEE recorded last night, I'm stoked.

Erik Blixt

Mar 8, 2013, 10:17:29 PM3/8/13
to Melinda Rae Pope, Noelle Buttery, Scott Montague, Billy DeMyer, Amanda Martindale, Trevor Robinson, Megan Kim, hmbigham, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
41) I like the smell of skunk
42) You are heading North to go South West?
43) I looked up the general location of Hawaii to make sure
44) I have never had a Twinkie
45) I have no text messaging in Sweden...
46) But I can receive texts... so yeah

Scott Montague

Mar 8, 2013, 10:22:54 PM3/8/13
to Erik Blixt, Melinda Rae Pope, Noelle Buttery, Billy DeMyer, Amanda Martindale, Trevor Robinson, Megan Kim, hmbigham, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
47. I smell like...home..?
48. I can't believe you're going to Sweden...that's awesome
49. Y'all better post pictures and stories and happenings in the Spring Break thread...I wanna keep up y'all
50. Ermahgerd halfway to 100
51. Twinkies. 

Erik Blixt

Mar 8, 2013, 10:27:17 PM3/8/13
to Scott Montague, Melinda Rae Pope, Noelle Buttery, Billy DeMyer, Amanda Martindale, Trevor Robinson, Megan Kim, hmbigham, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
52.) Imma try and fix it so that hitting "reply" really means "reply to all"
53.) It's pissing me off

Noelle Buttery

Mar 8, 2013, 10:31:04 PM3/8/13
to Erik Blixt, Scott Montague, Melinda Rae Pope, Billy DeMyer, Amanda Martindale, Trevor Robinson, Megan Kim, hmbigham, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
54. Twinkies are delicious
55. Pizza is also delicious
56. Erik I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKE THE SMELL OF SKUNK because me too. kind of.
57. Erik i've seen your old fb statuses from 2009 about skiing and sweden. i would like to see some more.
58. Is pizza sauce really a vegetable? If so then I've eaten all my servings during dinner.
59. Cheapest flight = going to seattle then hawaii
60. Pretty sure sportscenter is the best show ever.

Hannah Bigham

Mar 8, 2013, 10:37:59 PM3/8/13
to Noelle Buttery, Erik Blixt, Scott Montague, Melinda Rae Pope, Billy DeMyer, Amanda Martindale, Trevor Robinson, Megan Kim, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
61) Fun Fact, Melinda missed number 38.
62) This is really number 61
63) Im so bored I notice numbers
64) Engineering Probs.

Scott Montague

Mar 8, 2013, 10:40:49 PM3/8/13
to Hannah Bigham, Noelle Buttery, Erik Blixt, Melinda Rae Pope, Billy DeMyer, Amanda Martindale, Trevor Robinson, Megan Kim, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
65. Not laughing at you though melinda...
66. Forreal though y'all I'm laughing out loud and my dog keeps looking at me...
67. I think he thinks I'm crazy...

Melinda Rae Pope

Mar 8, 2013, 10:43:46 PM3/8/13
to Scott Montague, Hannah Bigham, Noelle Buttery, Erik Blixt, Billy DeMyer, Amanda Martindale, Trevor Robinson, Megan Kim, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
68. Wut.
69. dammit
70. #isweari'mnotstupid
71. my internet sucks

Noelle Buttery

Mar 8, 2013, 10:54:04 PM3/8/13
to Melinda Rae Pope, Scott Montague, Hannah Bigham, Erik Blixt, Billy DeMyer, Amanda Martindale, Trevor Robinson, Megan Kim, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
72. I'm not laughing I'm worried Melinda.
73. We can get you through this
74. Curious as to why your internet has anything to do with your inability to count numbers in a linear fashion
75. Twinkies

Melinda Rae Pope

Mar 8, 2013, 10:57:15 PM3/8/13
to Noelle Buttery, Scott Montague, Hannah Bigham, Erik Blixt, Billy DeMyer, Amanda Martindale, Trevor Robinson, Megan Kim, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
76. It doesn't
77. Simply- my internet sucks

Scott Montague

Mar 8, 2013, 11:00:33 PM3/8/13
to Melinda Rae Pope, Noelle Buttery, Hannah Bigham, Erik Blixt, Billy DeMyer, Amanda Martindale, Trevor Robinson, Megan Kim, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
78. Sorry boutcha internets
79. You can have one of my internets
80. I've just finished a video of myself lip syncing a gorillaz song...
81. DISCLAIMER: It's cuz I'm bored
82. Like reallllllyyyyy bored
83. Trying to decide if I know y'all well enough to post it...yet

Amanda Martindale

Mar 8, 2013, 11:02:21 PM3/8/13
to Melinda Rae Pope, Noelle Buttery, Scott Montague, Hannah Bigham, Erik Blixt, Billy DeMyer, Trevor Robinson, Megan Kim, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
78. I got home and my house was vacant minus the animals. (great welcome, fam)
79. I had a whacky pack for dinner.
80. I already wanna be back in CStat.
81. Say Yes to the Dress all the way

Melinda Rae Pope

Mar 8, 2013, 11:05:26 PM3/8/13
to Amanda Martindale, Noelle Buttery, Scott Montague, Hannah Bigham, Erik Blixt, Billy DeMyer, Trevor Robinson, Megan Kim, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
88. @scott - YOU DO

Melinda Rae Pope

Mar 8, 2013, 11:06:38 PM3/8/13
to Amanda Martindale, Noelle Buttery, Scott Montague, Hannah Bigham, Erik Blixt, Billy DeMyer, Trevor Robinson, Megan Kim, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com

89. Check it, it's right.
90. Love y'all on this serv, you're rocking it

Hannah Bigham

Mar 8, 2013, 11:17:04 PM3/8/13
to Melinda Rae Pope, Amanda Martindale, Noelle Buttery, Scott Montague, Erik Blixt, Billy DeMyer, Trevor Robinson, Megan Kim, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
92) Ive been home alone ever since I got here.
93) I havent even had any form of a meal today.
95) My mom is lacking MAJOR on the groceries.
96) Say Yes To The Dress is on my tv.

Ryan Perfect

Mar 8, 2013, 11:29:08 PM3/8/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com

97.) I'm watching Game of Thrones.
98.) Those dire wolves are so cute.
99.) The cute dire wolf was just killed.
100.) I hate this show.
101.) At least Spring Break is here

Noelle Buttery

Mar 8, 2013, 11:30:41 PM3/8/13
to Melinda Rae Pope, Amanda Martindale, Scott Montague, Hannah Bigham, Erik Blixt, Billy DeMyer, Trevor Robinson, Megan Kim, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
91. Melinda CAN count!
92. Chicago Blackhawks are losing.
93. The Chicago Blackhawks are a hockey team in case y'all didn't know
94. Bought green vans today and am decorating them with Camp Woosnam things
95. Also bought green shorts
96. Sorry I'm not sorry
97. Twinkies.
98.  Bought a Steve Martin album today at goodwill.  Who knew Steve Martin sang?
99. My middle name is Martha
100. . You best believe I brought it to 100

Noelle Buttery

Mar 8, 2013, 11:38:59 PM3/8/13
to Camp Woosnam 2013 serv
101. Melinda CAN count!
102. Chicago Blackhawks are losing.
103. The Chicago Blackhawks are a hockey team in case y'all didn't know
104. Bought green vans today and am decorating them with Camp Woosnam things
105. Also bought green shorts
106. Sorry I'm not sorry
107. Twinkies.
108.  Bought a Steve Martin album today at goodwill.  Who knew Steve Martin sang?
109. My middle name is Martha
110.  I have to wake up in 4 hours YAYY!!!!

Noelle Buttery

Mar 8, 2013, 11:40:02 PM3/8/13
to Camp Woosnam 2013 serv
102. Melinda CAN count!
103. Chicago Blackhawks are losing.
104. The Chicago Blackhawks are a hockey team in case y'all didn't know
105. Bought green vans today and am decorating them with Camp Woosnam things
106. Also bought green shorts
107. Sorry I'm not sorry
108. Twinkies.
109.  Bought a Steve Martin album today at goodwill.  Who knew Steve Martin sang?
110. My middle name is Martha
111.  I have to wake up in 4 hours YAYY!!!!
112.  I had to redo this three times because I didn't count correctly. #shame

On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 10:29 PM, Ryan Perfect <steelep...@gmail.com> wrote:

Scott Montague

Mar 8, 2013, 11:41:02 PM3/8/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
111. Are you a hockey fan?
112. Wow they're losing what...that...doesn't happen
113. They're on a record win streak...y'all non-hockey fans
114. Uhh...

Scott Montague

Mar 8, 2013, 11:42:59 PM3/8/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
115. hey guys :3

Noelle Buttery

Mar 8, 2013, 11:47:03 PM3/8/13
to Camp Woosnam 2013 serv
116.  Of course I'm a hockey fan.
117.  Miracle is one of my favorite movies.
119.  just kidding nevermind.
120.  Twinkies.

Megan Kim

Mar 8, 2013, 11:50:29 PM3/8/13
to Camp Woosnam
121. Twinkies... my dad actually was just whining about how he never got his last twinkie.
122. I MISSED MY DOGS SO MUCH i am just way too happy to be home
123. it took me an extra hour and a half to get home... traffic sucked
124. how is everyone doing???

Billy DeMyer

Mar 8, 2013, 11:52:52 PM3/8/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com

121. Scott, you do know us well enough!
122. I still need to send defies to like half of camp.
123. Can someone come over and help me pack?
124. I already miss y'all #noshame
125. I need to continue watching game of thrones

Billy DeMyer

Mar 8, 2013, 11:53:58 PM3/8/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
126. Dangit Megan, we posted at the same time

Noelle Buttery

Mar 8, 2013, 11:58:52 PM3/8/13
to Camp Woosnam 2013 serv
132. Just saved us from utter disaster.
133. The count is saved.

Billy DeMyer

Mar 9, 2013, 12:01:31 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
134. Thank you, cause I suck at numbers lol

Scott Montague

Mar 9, 2013, 12:02:40 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
135. And it was good
136. Okay, okay okay...I sing a bit at the beginning but then realize...no...
138. You're definitely not allowed to judge...me
139. My dog refused to make an appearance...it's ok...i cried too

Billy DeMyer

Mar 9, 2013, 12:02:43 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
135. I think I finally caught up with all thing listserv and Camp Woosnam!

Billy DeMyer

Mar 9, 2013, 12:04:19 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
141. I call for a camp karaoke night sometime!!!

Taylor Quance

Mar 9, 2013, 12:07:30 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
142. Y'all. My phone is blowing up. 
143. Like for realz though. I go 94 emails in the past 30 minutes 
144. I'm questioning if this is excessive communication. 
145. But clearly it's not enough. 
146. Because I miss you all a lot already and it's only the first day. 

Megan Kim

Mar 9, 2013, 12:08:02 AM3/9/13
to Camp Woosnam
142. NOELLE thanks for saving us from utter disaster
143. every time i catch up to the listserv MORE THINGS HAPPEN
144. but it's totally great
145. KARAOKE NIGHT omg i am in favor, although i am awful... it's cool, i have FUN while being awful :)
146. can we have disney karaoke?!

Megan Kim

Mar 9, 2013, 12:08:45 AM3/9/13
to Camp Woosnam

Taylor Quance

Mar 9, 2013, 12:08:50 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com, Camp Woosnam

Megan Kim

Mar 9, 2013, 12:09:54 AM3/9/13
to Camp Woosnam
154. i give up

Taylor Quance

Mar 9, 2013, 12:10:34 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com, Camp Woosnam
155. How do we hear Scott's amazing rap?

Noelle Buttery

Mar 9, 2013, 12:11:58 AM3/9/13
to Camp Woosnam 2013 serv
142.  I'm down for some karaoke!
143.  I've been in choir since second grade!!!
144.  but no judgement will pass

Hannah Bigham

Mar 9, 2013, 12:13:06 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
159) Twinkies.
160) Sorry, i just wanted to join the Twinkie fad.
161) Confession: Ive never had a Twinkie.
162) Im starving and that sounds so yummy.

On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 11:08 PM, Taylor Quance <te...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Noelle Buttery

Mar 9, 2013, 12:15:13 AM3/9/13
to Camp Woosnam 2013 serv
163. Twinkies are no more Hannah!!!!

Hannah Bigham

Mar 9, 2013, 12:20:44 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
164) Whyyyyyyyy?!?!?!
165) Life sucks.

Scott Montague

Mar 9, 2013, 12:22:10 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
166. Should I just start a new thread for this beuty of a video
167. Or would y'all rather it in here...

Scott Montague

Mar 9, 2013, 12:22:48 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
168. Also beauty*
169. I accidentally a word

Noelle Buttery

Mar 9, 2013, 12:23:31 AM3/9/13
to Camp Woosnam 2013 serv
168. new thread new thread new thread

Noelle Buttery

Mar 9, 2013, 12:23:59 AM3/9/13
to Camp Woosnam 2013 serv
171. sup the count is now at 171

Billy DeMyer

Mar 9, 2013, 12:25:36 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
172. Camp Woosnam goes hard in the serv lol

Scott Montague

Mar 9, 2013, 12:25:47 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
172. Welp...there ya go internets,,,

Scott Montague

Mar 9, 2013, 12:26:16 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
174. oh LOL...it's too big haha

Billy DeMyer

Mar 9, 2013, 12:28:05 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
175. NOOOOO!

Megan Kim

Mar 9, 2013, 12:41:37 AM3/9/13
to Camp Woosnam

Billy DeMyer

Mar 9, 2013, 12:48:04 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com

Travis Lindsey

Mar 9, 2013, 12:40:52 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
176. (That's what she said) 
177. Refer to post 174 
178. Not 173
179. Because that would be horrific

Billy DeMyer

Mar 9, 2013, 12:51:31 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
180. Beat me to it! Hahaha!

Austin Fairchild

Mar 9, 2013, 1:22:12 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
181. I have to catch up from number 4

Austin Fairchild

Mar 9, 2013, 1:40:08 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
182. Finally finished catching up
183. Miss y'all
184. The sum of these digits = 13 so I'm skipping it
185. Triskaidekaphobia
186. I'm kidding
187. I'm bored
188. I don't think anyone's still on
189. So I guess I'll keep going
190. Got to park in a handicap parking spot today, LEGITIMATELY
191. I'll stop on this prime number

On Mar 8, 2013, at 11:51 PM, Billy DeMyer wrote:

Scott Montague

Mar 9, 2013, 1:52:12 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
192. even.

Billy DeMyer

Mar 9, 2013, 1:54:42 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
193. Don't worry, I'm still up
194. I'm always up
195. I have to be up in less than 4 hours
196. UGH

Hannah Bigham

Mar 9, 2013, 1:56:04 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
197) Im up!
198) Billy! U should finish packing and sleep!
199) Im so wide awake right now.
200) Yay!! 200!!

Austin Fairchild

Mar 9, 2013, 1:58:39 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
201. Guys that are up: Have you heard Morgan Freeman say the phrase, "Titty sprinkles"?

Hannah Bigham

Mar 9, 2013, 1:59:49 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
202) Negative.

Billy DeMyer

Mar 9, 2013, 2:00:32 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
202. No?!
203. Hahaha!
204. I FINALLY PACKED...most of it!

Austin Fairchild

Mar 9, 2013, 2:01:34 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
205. My next question: do you want to?

Megan Kim

Mar 9, 2013, 2:02:00 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
206. Of course. 

Sent from my iPhone

Billy DeMyer

Mar 9, 2013, 2:02:19 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
206. That sounds extremely creepy...but YES!!!!

On Sat, Mar 9, 2013 at 1:01 AM, Austin Fairchild <austinfa...@gmail.com> wrote:
205. My next question: do you want to?
On Mar 9, 2013, at 1:00 AM, Billy DeMyer wrote:

202. N..!

Austin Fairchild

Mar 9, 2013, 2:03:44 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
208. I'll post it in the funny videos filter

Billy DeMyer

Mar 9, 2013, 2:04:11 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
209. YAAAY!
210. I SO ESSITED!!!

Hannah Bigham

Mar 9, 2013, 2:05:30 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
207) I feel like im making a deal with the devil.

Hannah Bigham

Mar 9, 2013, 2:06:19 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
211) Ooops. Wrong number

Billy DeMyer

Mar 9, 2013, 2:07:29 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
212. Bahaha!
213. Ok, I should prolly go to bed.
214. Goodnight Camp Woosnam!!!!!

Hannah Bigham

Mar 9, 2013, 2:08:22 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
215) Goodnight!
216) Be safe tmw!


Mar 9, 2013, 2:32:38 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
217. Hey guys! 

Scott Montague

Mar 9, 2013, 3:48:43 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
218. Y'allllllll wake up wake up wake up

On Sat, Mar 9, 2013 at 1:32 AM, boomkyn <boo...@gmail.com> wrote:
217. Hey guys! 

Melinda Rae Pope

Mar 9, 2013, 9:56:21 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
219. Nobody is awake yet
220. I'm sad
221. The sheep are boring

Sent from my iPhone

Travis Lindsey

Mar 9, 2013, 10:15:47 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
222. Do any of then yell?
223. I'll keep you intertwined till 10 (8 Western)
224. Being 2 hours earlier changed all the events in my calendars
225. This irks me, as I'm a tad OCD
226. People don't follow the speed limit on the highways here. 
227. Pretty sure I was going 90 in a 65
228. Oh! I had a random couple tell me "Howdy" 

Scott Montague

Mar 9, 2013, 11:56:09 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
230. HIIIII Melindaaaaa I hope the sheep are cool...
231. Expect texty texts...
232. Counting to 2017 is seriously gonna take a long time

Megan Kim

Mar 9, 2013, 11:58:01 AM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
233. The lambs are really cute!
234. Texty texts are good. 
235. My dad woke me up before nine this morning... :( 
235. I am not a morning person. 

Sent from my iPhone

Hannah Bigham

Mar 9, 2013, 1:06:12 PM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
236) I just got back from a run
237) Erik inspired me
238) Now I'm gonna go eat
239) Erik inspired me to do that too.
240) You only have 6 more hours Melinda!

Sent from my iPhone

Melinda Rae Pope

Mar 9, 2013, 1:13:21 PM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
241. Yay
242. I seriously want to go running with y'all
243. In the rec
244. Get in shape for summer
245. Who's in?

Sent from my iPhone

Taylor Quance

Mar 9, 2013, 1:16:02 PM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
205. Sherlock starts filming season 3 March 18th 
207. Fangirling SO MUCH right now 
208. Number 221 needs to have a B.. Just sayin 

Taylor Quance

Mar 9, 2013, 1:31:24 PM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com

246. Sherlock starts filming season 3 March 18th 
248. Fangirling SO MUCH right now 
249. Number 221 needs to have a B.. Just sayin 
250. My bad guys. My phone decided not to update my emails until now. 
251. All fixed. 

Amanda Martindale

Mar 9, 2013, 1:54:18 PM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
252. I could never be amish
253. Our electricity went off for an hour and it was terrible
254. Almost stole a pen from H&R Block today because it was green

Connor York

Mar 9, 2013, 2:59:16 PM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
256. Sherlock is pure greatness
257 I just swam in my first infinity pool it's pretty sick
258 lake life is where it's at
259 I woke up with 120 emails 
260 y'all are da coolest 

Sent from my iPhone

Rachel Pacilio

Mar 9, 2013, 3:15:44 PM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
261. I can't keep up with all these...
262. It's all happening so fast 

Sent from my iPhone

Melinda Rae Pope

Mar 9, 2013, 7:56:42 PM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
263. Have y'all tried the Hot Cinnamon Milkshake from Jack in the Box? 
264. It's interesting.


Mar 9, 2013, 9:36:05 PM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
264. I went to Hullabaloo Diner for the first time today and it was awesome, thanks Matt.
265. It's like the zombie apocalypse here in Cstat, completely deserted. 
266. I think there's some bad thunderstorms coming soon?
267. I miss my Woosnamites.

Amanda Martindale

Mar 9, 2013, 10:39:02 PM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
268. I don't even know what Hullabaloo Diner is...
269. SNL just did a skit over The Walking Dead
270. I think my family is annoyed of hoe much I talk about y'all...
271. It hailed at my house today
272. I'm no longer homeless next year, so get excited about hanging out at my house in the future.

Travis Lindsey

Mar 9, 2013, 10:51:41 PM3/9/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
273. The Walking Dead is the kitties titties
264. Just played the most horrific game of "Would you rather"
265. The weather in Cali today was phenomenal 

Allison Clark

Mar 10, 2013, 1:03:48 AM3/10/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com, camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com
276. I wish I was in Cali 
277. I'm watching Argo
278. I'm worried for these people 

Billy DeMyer

Mar 10, 2013, 1:53:33 AM3/10/13
to camp-woosna...@googlegroups.com

273. I just figured out the wifi at the condo I'm staying at
274. I think I caught up with all yall have been posting
275. I really hope someone recorded that Walking Dead SNL skit cause I'm obsessed with TWD haha
276. The condo I'm at is right on the beach
277. Ill be sure to post pics!
278. I never wanna drive 14 hours AGAIN!!!
279. I love yall...too soon? NAH

Noelle Buttery

Mar 10, 2013, 1:56:14 AM3/10/13
to Camp Woosnam 2013 serv
279. Got to Maui.
280. It took 18 hours
281. Better be worth it
282. Connor likes milk and so do I
283. Could really go for a twinkie right now
284. It's only 9:00 here :*(
285. I miss y'all
286. Tried to explain how cool fishcamp was to my family of longhorns and their reply was underwhelming
287. I was like NO IT'S REALLY COOL 
288. They were like "So Kyle, how's t.u.?" ssssss
290. I have a twin brother named Kyle

Noelle Buttery

Mar 10, 2013, 1:58:09 AM3/10/13
to Camp Woosnam 2013 serv
297. The count is saved
299.  Billy I'm in a house on the beach!
300.  <----- gooooooodddd movie
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