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Fanuc M98 support?

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Apr 22, 2021, 4:38:33 PM4/22/21
to CAMotics Users
The manual says there is support for Fanuc style M98 subroutines, but when I try some of my existing Fanuc style g-code I get the error message:

WARNING:/home/equack/mountain/users/ Invalid or unsupported code

I get the same message when I try the example program from the manual.

Is there a way to enable Fanuc support? 

Joseph Coffland

Apr 22, 2021, 6:47:32 PM4/22/21
to CAMotics Users

Fanuc M98 and M99 codes are not currently supported by CAMotics.  They are supported by LinuxCNC.  They added this fairly recently which is why the CAMotics documentation does not mention it.  You can use LinuxCNC o-codes to do subroutines.


Apr 22, 2021, 11:53:04 PM4/22/21
to CAMotics Users
Thanks for the quick reply.  I have a lot of legacy files for my Tormach PCNC1100 that use M98/M99 and I was hoping to view them in CAMotics. I can certainly switch to o-codes for new programs.
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