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Kem Sokha Arrest

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Perom Uch

Jan 1, 2006, 11:04:15 AM1/1/06
To: (Dr. Naranhkiri Tith), (Kal Man)
Date: Sun, 01 Jan 2006 10:33:36 +0000

Subject: Kem Sokha Arrest

Dearest Khmer Compatriots,


By the time this email reaches to you, you may or may not know that one of our dearest and most courageous defender of Khmer land and people has just been arrested by Hun Sen's policemen, despite the immediate interventions of US and British Ambassadors and the Human Rights Office in Phnom Penh.


For those true Cambodian freedom lovers, Kem Sokha is worth more than any money can buy. He is priceless. He never asked for any recognition for himself or his family. He did not seek any fame. He did not want or seek any high office position. He constantly puts his life on the line every day so that our Cambodian fellow countrymen could understand and learn about their rights as a normal citizen of a free and open country. I sincerely think that by arresting him Hun Sen is arresting all freedom-loving Cambodians.


Let's not wait until the arrest will be at your door step.. Let 's act now and urgently. Let's use the courage that he had taught us to liberate him by raising our voice to all major world leaders in the world starting from the Congressman in your district, Senators in our state, Presidents or Prime Ministers of our adopted countries. Go to their office or do what ever you can to ask them to urgently take action to stop this inhuman, lawless, and communist-styled use of unrestrained power by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in Cambodia. We have the power as a citizen of a free country, let us use that citizen power to ask our leaders and those of the world, to help our dignified and brave friend Mr. Kem Sokha who risks his life every day to protect and defend the dignity and freedom for all Cambodians.


Your comment would be much appreciated.


Best regards,


Naranhkiri Tith

Kal Man

Veronica Ngi


PS.: Please see email below for more information.






December 31, 2005


Dear friends:


I just received this email from Mr. Son Soubert asking us to let the US government know that Hun Sen has ordered the arrest of Mr. Kem Sokha. I have always said that the next step would be the arrest of Mr. Kem Sokha. Unfortunately, I was right.


The question is what Sihanouk is doing and what the new little king is doing to protect people like Kem Sokha. The answer is probably nothing. If the king had signed the supplements to the 1983 treaty, it means that he and his father are under Hun Sen pay roll.


I am asking all of you who has any contact with your congressmen or congresswomen to let them k now about this dangerous and tragic arrest. I am afraid that in the case of Kme Sokha, Hun Sen will have to kill him because he is too dangerous for him alive. Best regards.


Naranhkiri Tith, Ph.D.


Attached. Please find draft letter to US Congress


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