Slow page load speeds with camera.min.js

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Oct 22, 2018, 5:51:05 PM10/22/18
to Camera slideshow
Hi can anyone help with camera JS.

I've set it up on a few sites but it is killing my page load speeds. Everything on the rest of the page only seems to load after the slides are all loaded - is there anyway to get the page to load before the slider starts or pause on first image while everything else loads etc?

Thanks for any help.

sahajesh kp

Oct 23, 2018, 12:02:37 AM10/23/18

can you please check camera js initializing script put it on footer in document .ready and  please ensure  slider  image was maximum optimized  also use local links for load libraries instead of online library links 

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Sahajesh KPUI/UX Designer  
Tel: +91 9544616948


Oct 23, 2018, 6:33:28 AM10/23/18
to Camera slideshow
Hi thanks but I've tried the script both in the <head> section and also before and after the closing </body> tags. The page load speed is just as slow either way.

My files are all linked locally and images optimised. I've called the script like this:

 <script type="text/javascript">
               $( document ).ready(function() {
                                 height: '35%',
                                        time: 1750,
                                 fx: 'simpleFade',
                                 bypassCache: false,
                 pagination: false,
                                 thumbnails: false



I don't mind the slider taking a little time to load, but what is painful is the rest of the scripts on the page don't load until after the slider has gone all the way round once and loaded all its images! It's very slow, surely there is a way to speed the page load up and the slider can load after in the background?
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