download of image

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Luciano Sempionato

Jul 10, 2017, 6:20:34 PM7/10/17
to Camera slideshow
Hello .

You can put a downlink button of the image you are presenting on the slide.


A person is viewing the presentation on their cell phone and wants to download that image.

How can I do it?

Thanks for the help.

Luciano Sempionato

Jul 11, 2017, 9:16:50 AM7/11/17
to Camera slideshow
I'll detail who can help me thank you.

This is my cod.

<! DOCTYPE html>

<Goal http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text / html; charset = UTF-8">
<Title> Olisemp Image </ title>
<Meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, initial-scale = 1">

<Link rel = 'stylesheet' id = 'camera-css' href = 'css / camera.css' type = 'text / css' media = 'all'>


Html, body {
Height: 100%;
Margin: 0;
Filling: 0;

Body {background: black; Overflow; Margin: 0; Fill: 0;}

an {
Color: # 09f;}

A: hover {text-decoration: none;

#back_to_camera {
Background: rgba (255,255,255, .9); Clear: both;
Display: block; Height: 40px; Line height: 40px;
Filling: 20px;
Position: relative;
Z-Index: 1;

.fluid_container {bottom: 0; Height: 100%; Left: 0;
Position: corrected; Right: 0; Upper: 0; Z-index: 0;}

# Camera_wrap_4 {
Bottom: 0; Height: 100%; Left: 0; Bottom margin: 0! Important; Position: fixed; Right: 0; Top: 0;}

.camera_bar {
Z-value: 2;

.camera_thumbs {
Upper margin: -100px;
Position: relative;
Z-Index: 1;

.camera_thumbs_cont {
Edge radius: 0; -moz-border-radius: 0; -webkit-border-radius: 0;}

.camera_overlayer {opacity: .1;}

</ Style>

<Script type = 'text / javascript' src = 'scripts / jquery.min.js'> </ script>
<Script type = 'text / javascript' src = 'scripts /'>

</ Script>

<Script type = 'text / javascript' src = 'scripts / jquery.easing.1.3.js'> </ script>
<Script type = 'text / javascript' src = 'scripts / camera.min.js'> </ script>

JQuery (function () {
JQuery.ajax ({
Url: 'files.php',
DataType: 'json',
Success: function (data) {
If (data.length == 0) {
SetInterval (function () {reload ()}, 5000);

Var content = '';
For (i in data) {
Content + = '<div data-src = "' + data [i] + '"> </ div>';
JQuery ('# camera_wrap_4'). Html (content);

JQuery ('# camera_wrap_4'). Camera ({
Height: 'auto', pagination: false
Thumbnails: false
Hovering: Truth
OpacityOnGrid: False
Portrait: true
Fx: 'scrollLeft',
Navigation: true

PlayPause: true
Time: 5000, pauseOnClick: false,
OnEndTransition: function () {
Var t = jQuery ('# camera_wrap_4');
Var ind = t.find ('. Camera_target .cameraSlide.cameranext'). Index (); If (ind == data.length) {setInterval (function () {reload ()}, 5000);}
}});}});}); Reload function () {
Location.reload ();}

</ Script>

/ Head>


<Div class = "fluid_container">

<Div class = "camera_wrap camera_emboss" id = "camera_wrap_4">

</ Div>

</ Div> <! - # camera_wrap_3 ->

</ Div> <! - .fluid_container ->

</ Body>
</ Html>
what is missing! The user can download the image on the mobile
how can I do this.
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