Fwd: Workshop on Evidence-Based Teaching with Greg Wilson | September 30th

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Laurent Gatto

Sep 15, 2015, 11:13:57 AM9/15/15
to Cambridge R user group

This might be of interest to this group.

On 15 September 2015 12:05, Gabriella Rustici wrote:

> Dear all,
> There have been a lot of discussions, both within the education sector
> and in the press, about teaching and teachers, and how to make sure
> students get the most out of the training that they receive. For
> example: /Are College Lectures Unfair?/ [1]; /Be It Resolved: Teaching
> Statements Must Embrace Active Learning and Eschew Lecture/ [2] and
> /Interesting Pushback Against Incentivizing Active Learning/ [3]
> We will be running an *workshop on "Evidence-Based Teaching: What We
> Know and How to Use It" *where *Greg Wilson *will be addressing
> questions such as:
> * What are the cognitive differences between novices, competent
> practitioners, and experts?
> * Do different people really have different learning styles?
> * Do flipped classrooms actually work better than regular lectures?
> The workshop will explore recent research in these areas and more, and
> show participants how to apply the outcomes of this research in the
> classroom to improve teaching.
> When: *Wednesday 30 September 2015, 1.00 - 4.00 pm**
> **
> *Where: *Biffen lecture theater, Department of Genetics, on the Downing
> site.*
> Greg Wilson has been studying an applying evidence-based teaching for
> many years. He is the co-founder and Executive Director of Software
> Carpentry [4], a crash course in computing skills for scientists and
> engineers. He has worked for 30 years in in both industry and academia,
> and is the author or editor of several books on computing (including the
> 2008 Jolt Award winner "Beautiful Code") and two for children. Greg
> received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Edinburgh in
> 1993.
> To register,
> visit*http://training.csx.cam.ac.uk/bioinformatics/event/1561050
> *
> For more information, please contact Gabriella Rustici (gr...@cam.ac.uk)
> or Laurent Gatto (lg...@cam.ac.uk).
> Feel free to forward this message to anyone that might be interested in
> attending.
> Regards
> Gabry
> [1]
> http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/13/opinion/sunday/are-college-lectures-unfair.html
> [2]
> http://cacm.acm.org/blogs/blog-cacm/190767-be-it-resolved-teaching-statements-must-embrace-active-learning-and-eschew-lecture/fulltext
> [3]
> https://computinged.wordpress.com/2015/08/21/interesting-pushback-against-incentivizing-active-learning-in-cs-classes/
> [4] http://software-carpentry.org/

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