[CEC] Cambridge Entomological Club Meeting TOMORROW!

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Angier, Katherine

Feb 13, 2023, 9:59:16 AM2/13/23
to cambridge-ento...@googlegroups.com, oe...@lists.hcs.harvard.edu, oebse...@lists.fas.harvard.edu, er...@elist.tufts.edu
 Tomorrow! CEC Meeting

Date: Tuesday, February 14th, 7:30 pm EST
Location: In person in the Gilbert Room (MCZ 101A),  on zoom at https://harvard.zoom.us/j/92664403460?pwd=MEJGMmxrT1JHNGVjOFo3bzluR3JqZz09

Title: "Ecology of mosquitoes and other arthropods in the rapidly changing Arctic"
Speaker:  Lauren Culler (Department of Environmental Studies, Dartmouth College)

SummaryMosquitoes and other biting insects can dominate the human experience in the Arctic. Early explorers described them as “the one serious drawback of the north (Vilhjalmur Stefansson, 1922)” and “a thousand devils, each armed with lancet and blood-pump (Charles Francis Hall, 1879).” Biting insects are certainly a nuisance, but what other roles do they play in the rapidly changing Arctic? I will highlight my ecological approaches to answering this question and discuss how arthropods (insects and spiders) are important indicators of rapid Arctic change.

NOTICE: Happy Valentine's Day! We will be holding hybrid meetings to accommodate COVID-19 precautions and audience members from around the world.

For those able to attend, we will have an informal dinner at 6:00 pm at Cambridge Common Restaurant with the speaker, followed by our formal meeting (7:30 - 9:00 pm) in the Gilbert Room of the Museum of Comparative Zoology (there will be signs to help direct). The meeting will begin with club announcements, followed by a 60-minute presentation by the invited speaker and Q&A. Membership is open to amateur and professional entomologists.

Kat Angier
CEC Vice President 
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