I hope this email finds you. I am Dr. Ghulam Abbas Postdoctoral Researcher at Korea University. First, I would like to appreciate as a CALYPSO user. Your group has done a great job by implementing machine learning potential.
Bug in the Latest release of CALYPSO:
I found a bug in the latest release version of CALYPSO. I am doing structure prediction using calypso machine learning newly implemented feature. First, I have tried 26_Example as listed in the example folders. I found during structure optimization by employing GAP in the CONTCAR file it prints B atoms which is True.
After that, I tried several test examples for various materials to make sure of my computer setup framework. As an example, I tried Cu9O, AsC, and BiCuSeO structure prediction by employing the same computational setup by generating my own training dataset that I have attached below. I have some questions those are listed below:
1. In the "CuBiSeO" case when I look in each directory calypso always replaces Cu with C, Se with S, and Bi with B. Here I have attached an example CONTCAR file. And complete my data file prediction can be shared directly to the developer. Please can you help how I can fix this problem using CALYPSO? A similar problem I found in AsC, it prints the element name as A instead of As. What is my thinking, it does not recognize the second letter in element strings such as "Cu", ''Co', 'Se', 'Bi'. I will be very thankful if you can help me to fix this error.
written by GAP
2.9266250054 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
-0.0000000000 2.9266250054 0.0000000000
-0.0000000000 -0.0000000000 5.0660794786
1 1 1
0.0000002718 0.0000000949 0.
5003150821 0.5000002918 0.5000000869 0.9996849179
0.4999997282 0.4999999051 0.
5003150821 0.9999997082 0.9999999131 0.9996849179