I run calypso7.3.7 in parallel mode and found the following issues:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/kfs3/scratch/dwang19/storage/software/CALYPSO/Examples/1_example_run4/mpi.py", line 147, in <module>
File "/kfs3/scratch/dwang19/storage/software/CALYPSO/Examples/1_example_run4/mpi.py", line 142, in main
File "/kfs3/scratch/dwang19/storage/software/CALYPSO/Examples/1_example_run4/mpi.py", line 39, in smf
for j in range(ecore):
TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer.
The error may comes from the line 36 of mpi.py, which can be change from ecore = len(mfs) / numthread to ecore = len(mfs) // numthread