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Squash at Bay Club Fremont

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Louis Sallerson

Jul 11, 2020, 6:18:31 PM7/11/20
to CalSquash
Hi Everyone,

I recently got a membership to Bay Club Fremont and have started to play there. 

They told me they had a pretty flexible guest policy- as long as it's the first 2-3 times a guest is going there, it;s free for the guest.

Let me know if anyone wants to get in a game in the near future. 

(FWIW I took a covid test 3 weeks ago and was negative. I don't currently have symptoms. The gym seems to be taking good precautions- masks are required at all times until you are on-court, no indoor working out. They take your temperature before you enter. The room with the squash courts is a giant tennis building and seems to have lots of ventilation.)

All the best,

Louis Sallerson
Partner/Slender Employee #2
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