Dear Cal Squashers,
It seems like it's been a long, long time since the squash courts were open to the general public at Cal. And sadly I don't have any good news about that changing any time soon. The latest I heard was that they will continue to be closed to the general public until at least the new year.
But this note is about amplifying the voice for squash at Cal. My 501(c)3 organization, Friends of Cal Squash, has recently started building an endowment to fund a 'Director of Squash' position at Cal. This is a person who would advocate for squash at the University. They would coach the teams, give lessons to the general public, and host squash events, like tournaments and pro exhibitions. And we could really use such a voice right now.
Thanks to the generosity of 10 donors, we have secured pledges to match all gifts this year up to $100,000. That gives us the potential to raise $200,000 in just this year. We have already received over $25,000 in donations against this match.
And to be clear, I am one of those ten donors, and will match up to $15,000 this year.
So please consider joining me, and give a gift to the 'Director of Squash' endowment on this Giving Tuesday. Just click the link below to make a donation (and learn who else has made a pledge gift). Your donation is 100% tax deductible.
Here's to getting back to the courts in 2022!
Ashley Kayler
Friends of Cal Squash