March 2020 Cal Squash box league posted

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Jim Veitch

Mar 6, 2020, 10:06:53 PM3/6/20
to CalSquash
have posted the March 2020 squash box league:

The web address has changed!  The old link should redirect to this one but some browsers may get confused.

If you didn't play in February you have been dropped, so if you want back in let me know right away!  If you want in and haven't been playing, let me know right away!  If there has been an error in moving people around, let me know right away!  While generally I try and drop the bottom 1-2 and raise up the top 1-2 in each box but because of changes in the counts it is never exact.

If possible, I try and place returning players into a somewhat competitive box.

If I missed adding you, let me know right away.  If I made a mistake in placing you, let me know right away.

On scheduling matches: some people are slow to respond.  Every week send a reminder to the members of your box who haven't responded that you are available to play and give a list of preferred dates/times.  If you get a request to schedule matches please respond, even if it's to say you can't play.  If you sign up to play but never respond you have made the box league less fun for the rest of us.


Box League Manager

Jim Veitch

Mar 17, 2020, 12:49:38 PM3/17/20
to CalSquash
Dear box league members:

RSF is closed till April 7.  Unless I hear objections I will hold the March boxes open until the end of April.  I don't plan to change the March 2020 title on the web page so spread the word.

Stay isolated and do your piece to reduce the rate at which the infection is grwoing.  It's not so much us, it's one of our elderly relatives, or our neighbors' elderly relatives or our colleagues' elderly relatives that may die without need if the outbreak peaks too early and our hospitals are overwhelmed.



Jim Veitch

Apr 14, 2020, 10:45:54 PM4/14/20
to CalSquash
Dear box league members:

RSF is closed till May 4.  Unless I hear objections I will hold the March boxes open until the end of May.  I don't plan to change the March 2020 title on the web page so spread the word.

I am hoping the epidemic will peak in the Bay Area soon.  It seems like we in the Bay Area have a done a good job overall of flattening the curve and once testing becomes widespread the public health authorities may be able to put a Bay Area plan in place that makes it safe to restart matches.  If a restart happens in May but late in May we'll hold the boxes open till June.  Otherwise we'll wait and see.


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