2021 Santa Cruz Brevets

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Bill Bryant

May 21, 2021, 7:41:43 PM5/21/21
to calrando, randon
The Santa Cruz Randonneurs' 2021 brevets will soon be underway.

On Saturday, June 5 we have the Moss Beach 200k brevet.

On Saturday, June 26 riders can do either the Castroville 300k brevet or the El Granada 200k brevet. (The routes overlap for about the first 75 miles.)

On Saturday, July 24 we have the Gonzales 400k brevet and the El Granada 200k brevet. As with the previous events, these two routes overlap for about the first 75 miles.

The SCR season wraps up with another Moss Beach 200k brevet on Saturday, September 11, but this time the route will be used to celebrate the centennial anniversary of the Audax Club Parisien "allure libre" brevet format we all enjoy so much. Finishers of this ride will be entitled to get a special commemorative ACP medal. Don't miss this one!

As always, entries must be received no later than 8 PM of the Wednesday before each event, and all entrants must be current members of Randonneurs USA. (www.rusa.org)

Full SCR entry and route info can be found at:

Bonne Route!
Bill Bryant & Lois Springsteen
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