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SFR T-Shirt Pre-Order - open until 02/14

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Noah Swartz

Feb 3, 2024, 1:42:48 PM2/3/24
Hello fellow randonneurs!
I have designed and am taking pre-orders for a San Francisco Randonneurs T-Shirt! While I've already told the SFR mailing list about this, I felt like I should spread the word in case other riders are also interested in repping SFR.
It will be offered in two colors, one is black, and the other will be a light blue. I plan to have it printed using water-based ink to reduce the overall weight and plasticy feel of the shirt - though this may mean that the colors will not be a perfect match to these pre-print images.

I have set up an order page on bigcartel here - but please note that this is a pre-order. I will leave the page up until Feb 14th, at which point I will close orders and send the sizing information to the printer to make the shirts. The process of printing along with shipping may take up to a month, so I hope to have these in your hands by some time in march - but can't yet promise an exact date.

If you like the art work, please send all of your praise and adulation to Chris McNally (ig: @the.scorps) who did an incredible job designing it, and an even more incredible job putting up with my art direction.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, and I'm really excited to see people wearing these soon!
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