Ca. American Blackout Screenings>Sac.State Students For Social Change>Kensington:El Cerrito Green Party. Showing

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Jul 29, 2008, 4:40:49 PM7/29/08
to Californians for Cynthia McKinney for President
Sacramento, CA Wends. Jul 30 david g 30
Kensington, CA Aug 08 El Cerrito Green Party 8
From the filmmaker:
Official website
Watch the trailer
Buy the DVD
Many have heard of the alleged voting irregularities that occurred
during the presidential elections of 2000 and 2004. Until now, these
incidents have gone under-reported and are commonly written-off as
insignificant rumors or unintentional mishaps resulting from an
overburdened election system.

American Blackout chronicles the recurring patterns of voter
disenfranchisement from Florida 2000 to Ohio 2004 while following the
story of Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. McKinney not only
took an active role
investigating these election debacles, but has found herself in the
middle of her own after publicly questioning the Bush Administration
about the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Featuring: Congressional members: John Conyers, John Lewis, Stephanie
Tubbs-Jones, Bernie Sanders and jounalists Greg Palast and Bob
From the filmmaker: Official website | Trailer | Buy the DVD | Hosting
Tags: documentary -- documentary, republican -- republican, democrat
-- democrat, election -- election, bush -- bush, rumsfeld -- rumsfeld,
vote -- vote, voter -- voter, voting -- voting, ballot -- ballot,
African-American -- African-American, black -- black,
disenfranchisement -- disenfranchisement, Florida -- Florida, Ohio --
Ohio, 2000 -- 2000, 2004 -- 2004, Ian Inaba -- Ian Inaba, GNN -- GNN,
McKinney -- McKinney, Cynthia McKinney -- Cynthia McKinney, George W.
Bush -- George W. Bush, Ken Blackwell -- Ken Blackwell, Blackwell --
Blackwell, Tubbs-Jones -- Tubbs-Jones, Boxer -- Boxer, Conyers --
Conyers, Lewis -- Lewis, John Lewis -- John Lewis, Atlanta -- Atlanta,
Georgia -- Georgia, civil rights -- civil rights, human rights --
human rights, moral values -- moral values, Jeb Bush -- Jeb Bush,
Katherine Harris -- Katherine Harris, Harris -- Harris, checkpoint --
checkpoint, felon list -- felon list, power -- power, democracy --
democracy, RNC -- RNC, DNC -- DNC, progressive -- progressive,
Fitrakis -- Fitrakis, Palast -- Palast, Greg Palast -- Greg Palast, DJ
Shadow -- DJ Shadow, Thievery Corporation -- Thievery Corporation
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