Re: Divorce America Style About to End

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Patty Howell

Jan 9, 2012, 11:42:04 AM1/9/12
to California Healthy Marriages Coalition
Update on Divorce Reform legislative efforts and related blogs.


On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 7:09 AM, Divorce Reform <> wrote:
1 Dear Patty Howell,

The Coalition for Divorce Reform is less than a year old and already our legislative proposal, the Parental Divorce Reduction Act(PDRA), is poised to be introduced in a half dozen state legislatures.   We know that we can reduce divorce by 30 to 50% in any state that passes the PDRA.  State legislators and political leaders in more than a dozen states are working to build grassroots support for our legislation.  This week the Denver Post reported on the impending  introduction of the Parental Divorce Reduction Act in Colorado.  Indiana and New Mexico are poised to follow.   

We’ve accomplished all this  with no budget, purely on the strength, good will and commitment of volunteers who care deeply about ensuring that our nation’s children grow up in happy, healthy, intact  and married  homes.  We remain committed to our mission, but need your help in the coming year in order to thrive.  Here’s how:
  • First, please  Make a much-needed donation: We must raise $500 a month to keep our website alive and our email newsletters going out regularly
  • Become our friend by “liking” the Coalition for Divorce Reform on Facebook
  • Email this newsletter to friends
  • Volunteer on our home page under “How Can I Help”
  • Read our latest blogs and share them on Facebook, Twitter and email.  (See our links below.)

We recognize that time is precious, with only so many hours in the day for all the challenges you face as 2012 begins.  But we can’t imagine anything more important than protecting America’s most precious resource -- our families.   We hope you will consider joining us, and thank you for your support. 

With best wishes,
Chris Gersten, Chair
Beverly Willett, Vice Chair
Coalition for Divorce Reform

Wednesday, 16 November 2011 20:57
Until Death Do Us Part: Why Did Russell Armstrong Commit Suicide?
Lest we assume his suicide was due to mental illness, his abandoned anti-depressant regimen two weeks prior, or his financial worries, we should consider this- It's entirely plausible that Russell, like so many divorce-averse men, took his own life because of the devastation he felt over his failed marriage. In short, divorce kills.

Monday, 21 November 2011 19:44
Saving Marriages with "The Love Dare"
Written by  MIKE McMANUS
Unconditional love is always promised at the wedding and is heartfelt at the time.  However, as marriages are lived, romantic hope is often replaced with disappointment as each spouse often builds a separate life.  Spouses tend to be taken for granted and feel neglected, which can lead to misunderstandings and conflict. Result: half of marriages end in divorce.  Read more at  

Tuesday, 29 November 2011 08:25
Once Again...
Written by Nisa Muhammad
 Once again the latest news about Black women and divorce is bad news.  Research from the National Center for Family and Marriage Research (NCFMR) at Bowling Green State University, using 2010 Census data, shows that Black women have substantially higher rates of first divorce compared to all other racial and ethnic groups, at 30.4 divorces per 1,000 women in a first marriage.
Black women are the least partnered women in the world.  I repeat:  the world.  When it comes to love and marriage we are the least likely to do it and, if we do, the first to call it quits.  Read more at  

Pre-Existing Conditions in a Marriage
Written by  David Schel
Given our history, for fifteen years I’d thought we had a low risk marriage.  After all, my parents had divorced, my wife’s parents divorced five times, and my wife already had one divorce with a child behind her.  To me, that meant we stood no chance of splitting up.   No one more than us knew how awful divorce was on children and parents.  Now I know it was the inverse; we were at the highest risk possible.  I hadn’t known that the divorce rate for second marriages was higher than for first marriages either.  Or that third marriages fared even worse.  Who would want to go through that again?  As Vince Lombardi said, “Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit.”

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Patty Howell, Ed.M., A.G.C.
Vice President of Operations and Media Relations
HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS CALIFORNIA/California Healthy Marriages Coalition
Tel:  760.436.3960   Fax:  760.436.3997

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