FoodStock 2011... Your orgs promo literature is welcome @FoodStock

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Paul Hughes

Jan 25, 2011, 10:43:45 PM1/25/11
to CivicCamp Calgary, Calgary Food Policy Council
A number of local groups are hosting FoodStock this Saturday, 29Jan11 @Kingsland Farmers' Market from 2-4PM. There will be guest speakers, musicians, a silent auction, art & lots of local food.

Any and all orgs involved in local ag, art, sustainability, rec, community building, environmental or educational initiatives are welcome to display promo lit (cropaganda) or join our speakers list (2-5 minute presentations) at FoodStock. Just let me know or have your info dropped off with Tim Hoven @Hoven's Farm, located in the Kingsland Farmers' Market anytime on Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

FoodStock is a fundraising & awareness-raising event for local, sustainable food issues in Calgary, in particular, the Canadian Right to Food Trial. A donation of $5 is suggested, but not required. 

We're on facebook: FoodStock 2011 or

I've attached a pdf for FoodStock. Please circulate. Everyone is welcome to attend this family friendly event.


Paul Hughes
@paulinate @Hughes4YYC
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