New version 1.5.48 of CalenGoo and information about iOS 10

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Sep 15, 2016, 12:05:32 PM9/15/16
to CalenGoo

A few days ago version 1.5.48 of CalenGoo was released. It can now display the travel time of events that have a location in the day view so that you know when to start:

These are the most important changes:

  • The day view and the detail view can now display the travel time for each event ("Settings > Display and Use > Day view > Show travel time").

    As you can see in the image above it can show the travel time so that you can see when you have to start driving. You can configure it to show the travel time starting from your current location or the previous event's location. It can also take the time of the event and the traffic into account. It uses Apple Maps for its calculations.

    The travel time and the route are also displayed in the detail view, on the map and below the map:

  • The natural language parser was improved (end time added and optional better location parser "Settings > Display and Use > Expert/Maintenance > All > Improved location detection").

  • Added support for other email apps when sending emails from the detail view (Apple Mail, GMail, Google Inbox, Airmail, Outlook).
  • The detail view can open URLs now with different browsers, e.g. Safari, Chrome, Firefox and others ("Settings > Display and Use > Detail view > All > Open URLs with...").
  • Phone numbers can now also be called with GV Connect and Skype.

    CalenGoo will detect if you have any of these apps installed and will ask you which one you would like to use.

  • Tasks can now be sent as ICS attachments and imported from ICS attachments.
  • Optional new design for the week view ("Settings > Design > New week view design").

    The all-day events have more space around them, rounded borders and a gap to the next event.

  • iOS reminder lists can now be created.

    CalenGoo's "Manage lists" screen now also allows you to create iOS reminder lists.

  • Added support for displaying and editing the priority of iOS reminders.

    The edit screen for iOS reminders has been extended to support also setting a priority for iOS reminders.

Regarding iOS 10:

Unfortunately iOS 10 contains a few bugs that can sometimes cause crashes and problems with reminders. Additionally the CalenGoo complication does not work on the "Modular" watch face of WatchOS3. A new version of CalenGoo that contains workarounds and fixes for these problems has already been sent to Apple. If everything works fine, it should be released in the next few days. If you have any problems or would like to get a beta version just contact or write into the Google Group here:!forum/calengoo-ios-support .

If you experience such crashes it might reduce the crashes if you turn "Settings > Badge on app's icon > Badge on app's icon" off and maybe also "Settings > Reminders > Pop-up reminders" off, because the crashes are related to iOS notifications.

If you didn't install iOS 10 yet you might want to wait a few days until the new version of CalenGoo has been released and maybe also until Apple has released a first update that fixes the most important bugs.

When the next update has been released I will send another email and post it on If you have any questions, please contact or write into the Google Group!forum/calengoo-ios-support .

Thank you very much!

Kind regards

Dominique Gunia

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