New version 1.5.18 of CalenGoo

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Oct 15, 2012, 5:33:52 AM10/15/12


In the past few weeks versions 1.5.16-18 of CalenGoo have been released. The current version is 1.5.18. Due to the release of iOS 6 and the iPhone 5 it was unfortunately necessary to release more updates than usual. Version 1.5.16 added a lot of new features, e.g. CalenGoo can now sync with multiple Google accounts and it can sync Google event colors (if syncing via OAuth2).

If version 1.5.18 crashes on your iPhone/iPad/iPod touch, then please check if you turned "Show birthdays of contacts" on without allowing CalenGoo to access your contacts in the "Settings" app under "Privacy". It is necessary to allow it to access your contacts in this case so that it can read the birthdays. Just start the "Settings" app and turn "Privacy", "Contacts", "CalenGoo" on if you are affected by this problem. If you still have problems afterward please just contact me under .

These are the most important changes:

- Syncing calendars and events directly with multiple Google Calendar accounts is now supported ("Settings", "Accounts").

CalenGoo can sync directly with multiple Google Calendar accounts, so you can use all Google Calendar features (like email and SMS reminders, adding attendees and icons to events, using shared calendars and others) with multiple accounts now.

- Google's event colors (in addition to calendar colors) can now be synced if the sync is performed via OAuth2: Tap the gear icon in the lower right corner of the login screen and choose "OAuth2 Login".

Google Calendar introduced a way to assign different colors to events of the same calendar a while ago. CalenGoo now also supports this, but it is necessary to sync via OAuth2. You can find some configuration instructions here:

- High resolution icons are now supported (instead of only 16x16 icons)

This is especially useful for all devices with a Retina display.

- ICS email attachments can be opened with CalenGoo to create an event

If you get an email with an ICS attachment (i.e. a calendar event), CalenGoo can parse it and create a new event from it, please see here:

- Events can be displayed over multiple lines in the week view ("Settings", "Display and Use", "Expert", "Week view", "Number of rows per entry")

CalenGoo can now (optionally) wrap long titles over multiple lines in the week view.

- The calendar selection bar can be used to turn accounts on or off instead of calendars ("Settings", "Display and Use", "Expert", "General", "Show accounts instead of calendars")

Some users asked for a way to switch between different Google accounts so that only one is visible at a time (e.g. a personal and a work account). That is possible using this option and with the new function to sync with multiple accounts.

- Added a "Copy into" button in the detail view for read-only events to copy them from a shared into a personal calendar.

When opening a read-only event from a shared calendar there is new "Copy into" button in the upper right corner of the detail view (instead of the "Edit") button. Using this button you can copy the event into one of your own calendars.

- Support for iGo based navigation apps.

When tapping a location in the detail view, CalenGoo can open several navigation apps to navigate to this address. Now iGo based navigation apps are also supported.

- The agenda view can display multiple lines per event ("Settings", "Display and Use", "Expert", "Agenda view", "Rows" and "Flexible row size").

Similar to the week view, the agenda view can now also wrap long titles over multiple lines.

- A reminder can open the detail view of the event instead of the day of the event ("Settings", "Display and Use", "All", "General", "Reminders open detail view of event")

Usually CalenGoo only opens the day of the event when a reminder is opened and the snooze options are displayed. Using this option you can let CalenGoo display the event details screen instead.

- A "+" button can be added to the headers of the tasks lists to add a new task to that list. When this "+" button is activated, task lists can also be collapsed by tapping on the header ("Settings", "Display and Use", "Advanced", "Tasks view", "Add button in headers")

As described this function activates two new features: Task lists can be collapsed and expanded by tapping on their headers. And each task list has a small "+" button to add a new task directly to that list.

- Tasks lists can be collapsed by tapping their header if "Settings", "Display and Use", "Expert", "Tasks view", "[+] button in headers" is turned on. By turning "Hide collapsed tasks in calendar views" on you can hide these tasks that belong to collapsed lists from the calendar views.

As explained you can choose if tasks from collapsed lists should be visible in the calendar views or not.

- Old events can be faded in the day view ("Settings", "Display and Use", "Expert", "Day view", "Fade past events")

- Old events can be faded in the week view ("Settings", "Display and Use", "Expert", "Week view", "Fade past events")

- Old events can be faded in the month view ("Settings", "Display and Use", "Expert", "Month view", "Fade past events")

This was added recently to Google Calendar and is now available in CalenGoo, too. Past events can be faded so that you can easily see if an event is from the past or the future.

- Speed improvements

CalenGoo now better takes advantage of multithreading to reduce the startup time a little.

- Voice Over improvements

Voice Over was improved in the month view and the tasks view.

- The location of an event can be displayed in the week view ("Settings", "Display and Use", "Expert", "Week view", "Show location"), which is especially useful when displaying events over multiple lines ("Settings", "Display and Use", "Expert", "Week view", "Number of rows per entry")

The location is displayed as "@Location" after the title so if using it with the function to display entries over multiple lines, you can see the full title and the location in a few lines.

- Added support for the larger screen of the iPhone 5

The iPhone 5 has a slightly taller screen which is now fully used.

- iOS6 bug fixes for entering the duration of an event using the keypad under iOS6 and for task reminders

With iOS6 something in iOS had changed that caused the keypad to add 30 years when using it to edit the duration of an event. This has been fixed.

The next update, 1.5.19 will fix the mentioned problems with the "Privacy" settings in the "Settings" app, so that it doesn't crash any more even if birthdays are turned on and CalenGoo doesn't have access to your contacts.

Version 1.5.20 will probably add support for floating events.

Kind regards


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