New version 1.5.2 of CalenGoo

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Jul 31, 2010, 3:49:06 AM7/31/10
to CalenGoo

A new version of CalenGoo, version 1.5.2, was released. It supports
many of the new iOS4 features. However some people have problems with
the date/time wheels displaying a wrong time. In this case please turn
"Settings", "Display and Use", "General", "Ignore iPhone time zone"
on, this should fix this problem. Additionally this problem will be
fixed in version 1.5.3 which has already been uploaded to Apple and
should become available in a few days.

Other people have the problem that the login screen always appears
when CalenGoo is started even if "Settings", "Show login" is turned
off. This is caused by the setting "Settings", "Display and Use",
"Expert", "General", "Login Offline Button". Please turn it off in
this case. This will be fixed in 1.5.3, too.

And there is also a third problem: If CalenGoo gets a low memory
warning, something goes wrong and the next time you tap the "Edit"
button to edit an event, it crashes. This happens only if your memory
is very full so it may not affect you at all (I could not reproduce it
on my iPhone, but there are people that have this problem, which means
CalenGoo crashes after a few hours but will work normally again after
it has been started again). Because this bug occurred later and does
not affect so many people, it wasn't corrected in version 1.5.3 and
will be fixed in version 1.5.4 instead. It will be released about a
week later than 1.5.3.

I am really sorry that these problems occurred, but they don't seem to
affect all users and did not occur during my tests. Beside these
problems version 1.5.2 has some really useful new features:

- iOS4: Support for fast app switching

By supporting "fast app switching" CalenGoo will start in an instant
on devices that support multitasking (iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, latest
iPod Touch) if it has been started before.

- iOS4: Local notifications for fast and reliable reminders

The push notifications for the reminders were replaced by local
notifications. They are much faster and work even without having an
Internet connection.

- iOS4: Snooze and repeat function for reminders

When a reminder is displayed, you have a button to snooze it. If you
tap it, you can choose to snooze it for 1, 5, 10 or 15 minutes.

- iOS4: Events of the iPhone/iPod calendar can be displayed and edited
in addition to the calendars of your Google account

If you turn "Settings", "Display and Use", "Advanced", "General",
"Show iPhone calendars" on, the calendars of the iPhone/iPod's built-
in calendar app are displayed and editable inside CalenGoo. You can
configure the visibility of the calendars under "Settings",
"Visibility/Download" afterward. However this can/will make CalenGoo

- the visibility of the tasks can now be configured for all calendar
views individually

There are switches under "Settings", "Tasks" to configure where you
want them to be displayed.

- the location can now be displayed in the agenda view

It is displayed as a small row below the title of each event.

- the badge can now display all-day events and uncompleted tasks

You can find these settings under "Settings", "Display and Use",
"Advanced", "General", "Count all-day events" and "Add tasks to
badge". These switches will change the value that is displayed on
CalenGoo's icon when "Badge on app's icon" is turned on.

The next version will only fix the two mentioned bugs and has already
been uploaded. The version after the next, 1.5.4, will probably add
drag & drop.

Kind regards

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