Overview of new products expected to Calculate Linux 9.5

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Apr 18, 2009, 2:07:05 PM4/18/09
to Calculate Linux
In anticipation of the release of new versions Calculate Linux 9.5
wants to make the announcement of new features.

1. LZMA compression of the image archive.
Finally we managed to conquer this format compression! So far work has
not brought up to the end, but the compression is already showed
results, better perezhimaya ISO image and accelerating work to DVD.
Perhaps we now abandon the spread of the image updates, including
support for extracting from the file system directly to the ISO image.
I must say that the new /root partition after booting from the LiveDVD
looks very curious! Do not typing the command mount, to understand
that this DVD is almost impossible, as well as to find a directory
Unionfs, which it stores the modified files.

2. 7Z opening.
7Z method uses the lzma compression, but unlike lzma-utils uses all
nuclei in compression and unpacking. This was a discovery, because
perezhat 5 GB system to archive tar.lzma one kernel at 8-nuclear
MacPro with 16 GB took over an hour. And this at a time when the
compilation OpenOffice takes 42 minutes. But perhaps packaged in 7Z
never get to the mirror. Their location may be alone to take a more
compact ISO images.

3. Multilanguage support.
Once at DistroWatch, we have good chances of popularity. Unlike most
other distributions, CLD is a monthly release cycle releases, but
because there may primelkatsya. All of course depends on how the
authors of the popular ranking of us will notice:) To promote the
system, starting from version 9.5 to add support for Spanish,
Portuguese, German and French languages. We would be grateful if
someone would assist in the correction of the translation site
http://www.calculate-linux.org Most of the pages are already
available, you only get rid of the inaccuracies of machine

4. Password root-and became even easier.
Perhaps the most popular cause of the English-speaking users in the
IRC channel #calculate (especially after the emergence Calculate Linux
on DistroWatch) is a question about a root-password:) What was their
surprise when they get it! So we set out to make Calculate Linux 9.5
most convenient. And as the CLD, and the CDS. In both systems, the
password will be "root". When you install the password will be
required on a mandatory basis if he had not changed.

5. Improvements in VirtualBox, OpenOffice, QStarDict etc.
If you are using a virtual machine, vboxdrv driver no longer will need
to add in the autostart. The driver will be loaded when you start the
application. OpenOffice will start to check grammar. StarDict
obzavedetsya Qt-by the interface.

6. Beginners.
Among the new programs include a program of video installation
Kdenline and a graphical interface for OCR systems Cuneiform-Qt.

7. Again, replication.
On the basis of CDS 9.5 will replicate postal records. Explain to our
example. We have three mail servers: the host (mail relay), office and
production mail servers. All in all networks, and geographically
separated. Replication postal records allows a single mail domain
calculate.ru for all users. This mail goes directly between the


We should be grateful for any assistance in the project. Come to IRC
channel on FreeNode #calculate


May 21, 2009, 6:52:56 PM5/21/09
to Calculate Linux
I need to know the login for CLD 9.5
> someone would assist in the correction of the translation sitehttp://www.calculate-linux.orgMost of the pages are already


May 22, 2009, 12:34:29 AM5/22/09
to Calculate Linux
In CLD 9.5, there are two users: root and guest.
But in KDE, you can enter only the user guest.
The user root password root and the guest password guest
> > someone would assist in the correction of the translation sitehttp://www.calculate-linux.orgMostof the pages are already
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