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Cecilia Tanaka

Mar 25, 2020, 12:20:00 PM3/25/20
Please, save the date, my lovely friends!  <3  <3  <3

Received it now from Sam, HAT LAB, and I know a lot of people here who can help a lot...  or can annoy me a lot, trying to prove me that the coronavirus is just a conspiracy theory.  You can do what you want, I will love both groups the same.  <3  <3  <3

Follow your heart freely, but always remember:  - I am NOT a f... reptilian illuminati from Mars trying to destroy anything.  For Darwin' sake, I do have better things to do!  :P


"International universities and tech communities around the world are coming together April 4-5 for the 2-day virtual Hack from Home.

Join teams from the Ethical Tech Alliance, Dataswift, Cleveland Clinic, Case Western University and dozens more to launch new projects around Citizen Science (Empowering individuals to fight the pandemic), Care in the Community (Using personal data for community support), and Collective Action (Mass mobilisation and social campaigning)."

Learn more at or sign up directly here:


Disinfected kisses and hugs for everyone!  Wish everybody much love, happiness, and music, always!  <3  <3  <3

Ceci, the cross-posting queen...  Sorry, too many lists, hihi!  Forgive me, Greg!  ;)
Loving.  Caring.  Sharing.  Being Excellent To Each Other And To Our Hackerspace.  <3
"Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -  Mae Jemison

Reno R. R.

Apr 5, 2020, 8:59:58 PM4/5/20
to Calango HACKER CLUBE,
Thank you for sharing this. I had an amazing time this weekend in this hackathon. Everybody very organized very efficient loved the experience!!

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Cecilia Tanaka

Apr 6, 2020, 1:16:58 AM4/6/20
Hey, Sam, it was my first feedback and it was so cute and adorable, aww...  #truelove  <3

We love you, Reno!  Thank you for being so kind and generous, sharing your time, knowledge, skills, and good vibes with the whole world!  <3

I am not using the riseup accounts for answering emails for a while because I am having some problems with them, including the principal one, sorry!  But I am <>.  It was a fool joke with some friends because nobody never finds me in the "meatspace"...  :P

And I am the "queen of cross-posting", so you can imagine how fun is managing all the questions and answers...  After several years annoying everybody, I stopped of being considered a spammer and receiving bad words, hahaha!!   ;D

Disinfected kisses and hugs!!  Much love, music, and sweet dreams.  Thank you very much everybody, yay!!  <3

Ceci, who was pretty busy this weekend, trying to discover if had the f... COVID-19 or not...  The answer is "no", still breathing, still living, but the whole process was stressing and boring because I am in a very high risk group.  The Brazilian hospitals are not prepared for a pandemia and the experience was very, very scary!  :((
Loving.  Caring.  Sharing.  Being Excellent To Each Other And To Our Hackerspace.  <3
"Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -  Mae Jemison

On Sun, Apr 5, 2020, 21:59 Reno R. R. <> wrote:

Thank you for sharing this. I had an amazing time this weekend in this hackathon. Everybody very organized very efficient loved the experience!!

Em Qua, 25 de mar de 2020 13:20, Cecilia Tanaka <> escreveu:
Please, save the date, my lovely friends!  <3  <3  <3

Received it now from Sam, HAT LAB, and I know a lot of people here who can help a lot...  or can annoy me a lot, trying to prove me that the coronavirus is just a conspiracy theory.  You can do what you want, I will love both groups the same.  <3  <3  <3

Follow your heart freely, but always remember:  - I am NOT a f... reptilian illuminati from Mars trying to destroy anything.  For Darwin's sake, I do have better things to do!  :P


"International universities and tech communities around the world are coming together April 4-5 for the 2-day virtual Hack from Home.

Join teams from the Ethical Tech Alliance, Dataswift, Cleveland Clinic, Case Western University and dozens more to launch new projects around Citizen Science (Empowering individuals to fight the pandemic), Care in the Community (Using personal data for community support), and Collective Action (Mass mobilisation and social campaigning)."

Learn more at or sign up directly here:


Disinfected kisses and hugs for everyone!  Wish everybody much love, happiness, and music, always!  <3  <3  <3

Ceci, the cross-posting queen...  Sorry, too many lists, hihi!  Forgive me, Greg!  ;)
Loving.  Caring.  Sharing.  Being Excellent To Each Other And To Our Hackerspace.  <3
"Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -  Mae Jemison
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