Fwd: Event is tomorrow! Dr. Anatoliy Gruzd: Public Lecture: Studying the COVID-19 Infodemic at Scale

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Anabel Quan-Haase

Oct 27, 2021, 10:47:04 AM10/27/21
to cais...@googlegroups.com
Dear CAIS/ASCI community,
I wanted to send out information about an event taking place tomorrow here at FIMS/Western that may be of interest to this group.
Please also help to disseminate to colleagues and students who you think may be interested in the topic. Looking forward to seeing many of you at the event.
All the best,
Rogers Chair in Studies in Journalism and New Information Technology is pleased to present:
Studying the COVID-19 Infodemic at Scale
Professor Anatoliy Gruzd, Social Media Lab
Thursday October 28, 2021 3:30 pm
Zoom: https://westernuniversity.zoom.us/j/99087526190?pwd=d09BSHE2M1Bjc0t5WVlrb0hjcDcwQT09
False narratives about COVID-19 have gone global and are spreading almost as fast as the virus itself. Since January 2020, there have been over 10,000 false and unproven COVID-19 related claims shared via social media and other channels. The presentation will discuss how researchers at Ryerson University’s Social Media Lab, in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO), are spearheading an international effort to help stem the rise and counter COVID-19 misinformation via the COVID-19 Misinformation Portal.
Speaker Bio:
Anatoliy Gruzd is a professor at the Ted Rogers School of Information Technology Management, Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Privacy-Preserving Digital Technologies, and the Director of Research at the Social Media Lab at Ryerson University. He is also a Member of the Royal Society of Canada’s College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists, a co-editor of a multidisciplinary journal on Big Data and Society, and a founding co-chair of the International Conference on Social Media and Society. The broad aim of Dr. Gruzd’s various research initiatives is to understand how social media data can be used ethically to tackle a wide variety of societal problems from combating COVID-19 misinformation to helping educators navigate social media for teaching and learning.
Find out more about the event and the Rogers Chair.  
URL: http://www.events.westernu.ca/events/fims/2021-10/studying-the-covid-19.html
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/901082860787266/
Contact: FIMS Communications fims-comm...@uwo.ca

Dr. Quan-Haase
Rogers Chair in Studies in Journalism and New Information Technology
Faculty of Information and Media Studies/Department of Sociology
Western University
Google Scholar
t: @anabelquanhaase
Recent work:
Engel, U., Quan-Haase, A., Liu, X., & Lyberg, L. (2022). The Handbook of Computational Social Science. Routledge.
Quan‐Haase, A., Harper, M.-G., & Wellman, B. (2022). The role of communication technology across the life course: A field guide to social support in East York. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.13907
Sloan, L., & Quan-Haase, A. (Eds.). (2022). The handbook of social media research methods (2nd ed.). Sage.

I acknowledge the Anishinaabek, Haudenosaunee, Lūnaapéewak  and Attawandaron peoples, on whose traditional lands Western is located.
Gruzd Talk.png
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