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CAIS/ACSI update: conference program, AGM, and more

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Sarah Polkinghorne

May 17, 2022, 2:34:07 PM5/17/22
Dear CAIS/ACSI mailing list members,

I'm writing with an update on Canadian Association for Information Science activities. We invite you to get involved in the association at this exciting time in its history -- there are multiple ways to do so. Feel free to contact me with any questions.

1. The preliminary CAIS/ACSI 2022 conference program is now available. You can view it now via the link below, and it will be also published to and shortly. The conference is free and open online, June 7-10, no registration required. The conference Zoom link is in the program. 

2. Volunteer moderators are needed for the conference. Please email me if you'd be willing to support the conference in this way. CAIS/ACSI relies on two types of moderators -- a) session moderators who keep things running on time and help facilitate, and b) technical moderators who focus on Zoom matters, such as by admitting people from the waiting room.

3. The CAIS/ACSI Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday, June 10, 2:00-4:00 pm Eastern time. Please save this date. The link to join this meeting is the same as the conference Zoom. At this meeting the Board will offer updates on the recent activities of CAIS/ACSI, including operations of our journal, CJILS/RCSIB; ongoing special projects, such as digitizing older conference proceedings, dating back to 1973; and the association's new membership structure (which we'll be launching at the conference).

4. We are seeking new Board members for 2022/2023. In particular, we're recruiting volunteers for the roles of Secretary and Webmaster. We are also seeking candidates for Vice-President/President-Elect (becoming President in 2023/2024). Nominations and elections will take place at the AGM, but we welcome and encourage expressions of interest now. If you're interested in joining the Board, please contact our incoming President (2022/2023), Rebekah (Becky) Willson,

5. A reminder that submissions are welcome to the Canadian Journal of Information Science / la Revue canadienne des sciences de l'information et des bibliothèconomie. Our journal is open access with no APCs and rolling publication, and it is widely indexed.

We look forward to connecting with you at the June conference!

Sarah Polkinghorne
President, CAIS/ACSI 2021/2022

Collection Strategies Librarian
Lecturer, School of Library & Information Studies
She / Her

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