Novice questions on LeNet

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Apr 9, 2016, 4:13:41 PM4/9/16
to Caffe Users



I am a new caffe user and I just need some help. I am trying to run existing networks with a custom dataset. I have successfully done it for caffenet.


I want to train leNet network. I am using Pascal dataset. Let’s say I want to classify images on 2 classes , depicting airplane or not.


I am based on this tutorial But I have some questions  on that.


1) On tutorial in 2. , it says to customize inner_product_param: num_output: #labels, on enet.prototxt and lenet_train_test.prototxt. I guess I have to change that parameter on  layer "ip2", from what I understand is the second Layer of  the Full connected  NN. By default value is num_output: 10. This parameter indicates how many outlets will have that classic neuronal. So if I want to classify on whether or not the image is a plane, (classes -1 and 1), should I set up   num_output parameter: 2 ???


2) In lenet_solver, somewhere says parameter test itter. I did not understand exactly what it does. The Code states "test_iter specifies how many forward passes the test should carry out.".  On the other hand, the guide  says: «test_iter: #test batches (the total test images evaluated in TRAIN phase = test_iter * TEST batch size)». Somewhere else I saw the comment «Test batch size can be set to any value (well, any positive value) as long as the batch size times the test iterations equals the number of test data points.»


3) Based on the previous, how much should i set train and test batch size ?? In caffenet I had used on 64 train and 12 validation and clutching memory around 1.5 GB on the gpu.  Here in lenet why  test batch is larger than train ?? It  probably wont fit in my gpu (2GB) with first try, i will reduce batch size. Can I put in train batch larger value than in the test?? Also, how will it be affected by the test_iter,  on 2), the requirement in memory on gpu; ???


-4) Finally, I saw on  this tutorial, that  lenet.prototxt file requires also modification. Is that right ??? Since the architecture used by lenet_solver, is lenet_train_test.prototxt, do we need to modify  lenet.prototxt? Generally, lenet.prototxt, defines the same architecture, simply wtih no testing phase.The guide says to make alterations in line input_param {shape: {dim: 64 dim : 1 dim: 28 dim: 28}, where values correspond to input_dim: (batchsize, #channels, imagesize1 , imagesize2), and inner product as in 1).  It seems to me that  lenet.prototxt  doesn’t take part somewhere. Should I leave it as is;


Thanks in advance and sry for long post,


Apr 18, 2016, 4:02:48 AM4/18/16
to Caffe Users
See interleaved answers.

Am Samstag, 9. April 2016 22:13:41 UTC+2 schrieb Dimitris:



I am a new caffe user and I just need some help. I am trying to run existing networks with a custom dataset. I have successfully done it for caffenet.


I want to train leNet network. I am using Pascal dataset. Let’s say I want to classify images on 2 classes , depicting airplane or not.


I am based on this tutorial But I have some questions  on that.


1) On tutorial in 2. , it says to customize inner_product_param: num_output: #labels, on enet.prototxt and lenet_train_test.prototxt. I guess I have to change that parameter on  layer "ip2", from what I understand is the second Layer of  the Full connected  NN. By default value is num_output: 10. This parameter indicates how many outlets will have that classic neuronal. So if I want to classify on whether or not the image is a plane, (classes -1 and 1), should I set up   num_output parameter: 2 ???


2) In lenet_solver, somewhere says parameter test itter. I did not understand exactly what it does. The Code states "test_iter specifies how many forward passes the test should carry out.".  On the other hand, the guide  says: «test_iter: #test batches (the total test images evaluated in TRAIN phase = test_iter * TEST batch size)». Somewhere else I saw the comment «Test batch size can be set to any value (well, any positive value) as long as the batch size times the test iterations equals the number of test data points.»

All of these are correct. The test batch size is usually specified in the data input layer that is used in the TEST phase. And test_iter is simply the number of batches to be processed in the TEST phase. So if you want to use your whole test set, which e.g. consists of 10000 images, which are loaded in batches of 50, you should set your test_iter to 200.

3) Based on the previous, how much should i set train and test batch size ?? In caffenet I had used on 64 train and 12 validation and clutching memory around 1.5 GB on the gpu.  Here in lenet why  test batch is larger than train ?? It  probably wont fit in my gpu (2GB) with first try, i will reduce batch size. Can I put in train batch larger value than in the test?? Also, how will it be affected by the test_iter,  on 2), the requirement in memory on gpu; ???

The batch size in the test phase does not matter at all (functionally). Nevertheless a small number of large batches is preferable to a high number of small batches, since that means less memory transfers between RAM and VRAM, which usually makes the whole process more efficient. Batch size in training _can_ matter functionally, but it is not apparently clear which size is good setting. You probably have to experiment a bit, and it also depends on your available VRAM of course.

-4) Finally, I saw on  this tutorial, that  lenet.prototxt file requires also modification. Is that right ??? Since the architecture used by lenet_solver, is lenet_train_test.prototxt, do we need to modify  lenet.prototxt? Generally, lenet.prototxt, defines the same architecture, simply wtih no testing phase.The guide says to make alterations in line input_param {shape: {dim: 64 dim : 1 dim: 28 dim: 28}, where values correspond to input_dim: (batchsize, #channels, imagesize1 , imagesize2), and inner product as in 1).  It seems to me that  lenet.prototxt  doesn’t take part somewhere. Should I leave it as is;

There are usually two versions of a network config: one for training (in this case lenet_train_test.prototxt) and one for deployment (lenet.prototxt). The former is used in the solver and contains input layers to read data from for training and testing. The latter contains no real input layer, only a specification (consisting of properties "input" and "input_shape") of names and sizes of input blobs, that have to be filled manually at runtime, usually through one of caffe's APIs. The idea is to load a trained network with this configuration to feed (single) individual images through and do classification. Of you can use a trained network also with a data layer, if your data to be processed is in the form of a (LMDB/LevelDB/HDF5) database. But usually trained networks are integrated into a bigger software framework, and this is what the deploy config is for. This is just a convention, you do not need to use a deploy config if you do not want/need to.

Thanks in advance and sry for long post,

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