How to increase accuracy of mobilenet ssd?

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Nov 13, 2018, 1:55:35 AM11/13/18
to Caffe Users
Hi, I'm trying to train a model in caffe using mobilenet-SSD, with my custom dataset . My dataset have 70000 images(each image is HD resolution, 56000 in trainset, remaining in testset), with a batchsize of 12(for train and test together=10+2=12) for 5 classes(one is background). When training reached till 156000 iteration still loss was between 3 to 6. then i reduced learning rate from base_lr: 0.0005 to base_lr: 0.00005. continued the training with solverstate, now reached till 200000 iterations, not much difference in loss. Please help me. 
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