I was able to run caffe MATLAB example on configuration Debian + Caffe + Octave.
First of all I have built caffe for Octave using CMake, CPU_ONLY mode. I was not that easy but it was built. I had to do some modifications:
vi ../CMakeLists.txt
add_definitions( -DCPU_ONLY=1 ) in the beginning of file.
on error:fatal error: caffe/caffe.hpp: No such file or directory
vi matlab/CMakeFiles/octave.dir/build.make
add -I/home/path-to-caffe/include (line 61)
make all
Secondly, I had to change a bit caffe m files to be able to use it in Octave. I posted issue about that:
https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/issues/6196Finally I was able to run CNN graph.
среда, 6 июля 2016 г., 11:57:39 UTC+3 пользователь
nerr...@gmail.com написал: