How does test_nets.forward() work? Reported accuracy is poor

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Dec 17, 2016, 5:15:50 PM12/17/16
to Caffe Users
Using the BVLC reference AlexNet file, I have been training a CNN against a training set I created.  In order to measure the progress of training, I have been using a rough method to approximate the accuracy against the training data.  My batch size on the test net is 256.  I have ~4500 images.  I perform 17 (4500/256) calls to solver.test_nets[0].forward() and record the value of solver.test_nets[0].blobs['accuracy'].data (the accuracy of that forward pass).  I take the average across these.  My thought was that I was taking 17 random samples of 256 from my validation set and getting the accuracy of these random samplings.  I would expect this to closely approximate the true accuracy against the entire set.  However, I later went back and wrote a script to go through each item in my LMDB and generate a confusion matrix for my entire test set.  I discovered that the true accuracy of my model was significantly lower than the estimated accuracy.  For example, my expected accuracy of ~75% dropped to ~50% true accuracy.  This is a far worse result than I was expecting.

Have I made an incorrect assumption somewhere?  What could account for the difference.  I had assumed that forward() function gathered a random sample, but I'm not so sure that was the case.  blobs.['accuracy'].data returned a different result (though usually within a small range) everytime, so this is why I assumed this.
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