Extract Filters of FC layers

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Antonio Paes

Jun 15, 2016, 10:44:07 AM6/15/16
to Caffe Users
Hi guys,

I need to use the filters learned by FC layers for apply in an image. For example:

The input of my network is a 32x32 grey scale image, my firs FC layers has num_output = 512, so I've 1x1024 - 1024x512 = 1x512.

I need to use this 1x512 in an image, I try use 1x1 filters using all 512 values, but the result is a entire black image.

Someone has any idea?


Antonio Paes

Jun 23, 2016, 3:33:04 PM6/23/16
to Caffe Users

Nicolae Titus

Jun 23, 2016, 3:56:52 PM6/23/16
to Caffe Users
first of all filters are not learned by FC layers, but buy convolutional layers below
what is 1x1 supossed to do in the context of FC? it only makes sense in the context of convolutional layers
you should brush up on the theory, watch some cs231n and others

Antonio Paes

Jun 24, 2016, 10:15:53 AM6/24/16
to Caffe Users
Hi Nicolae, 

First thanks for your answer, the purpose os 1x1 filter should be extract local features os face like eyes contour, mouth structures and so on..

I do that because I'm following this paper: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1603.07235v2.pdf

In the paper apparently makes sense, or maybe I'm got confused.   
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