Need several tries to start training with provided python layers

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Jul 27, 2018, 5:52:03 PM7/27/18
to Caffe Users
Hi all,

I am trying to train a fully convolutional network for semantic segmentation on the Pascal VOC dataset. To do so, I use the provided python data layer to feed the images and labels into the network. When I try to start training using python with the commands

import caffe

= caffe.get_solver("solver.prototxt")

I get the error:
F0727 23:27:14.297534  6628 net.cpp:141] Check failed: param_size <= num_param_blobs (0 vs. -805306368) Too many params specified for layer data

If I try to start training again it shows the same error message with a different negative number. If I keep on launching the python commands over and over again, eventually the training process starts. I have my doubts that I can trust the results the solver returns. The problem appears in CPU as well as GPU mode. Trying to start the training process directly via the command line ('caffe train - solver ...' ) does not work at all when there is a python layer in the network.

I'm using Ubuntu 17.10 with CUDA 9.0 + cuDNN v7 and Python version 3.6.5. Caffe is installed from the repositories.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Przemek D

Aug 22, 2018, 11:03:19 AM8/22/18
to Caffe Users
Could we see the solver.prototxt as well as the network prototxt? Please don't paste the contents directly to the post but attach them instead.
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