distributing to other machines

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May 4, 2016, 1:53:56 AM5/4/16
to Caffe Users
after running make distribute, the distribute folder contains subfolders
  • bin
  • include
  • lib
  • proto
  • python

i am quite unsure as to what im supposed to do with this distribute folder when i want to distribute to another machine.


May 4, 2016, 6:08:07 AM5/4/16
to Caffe Users
You copy it to the other machine and run the binaries there for example?
  • "bin" contains the compiled executables,
  • "lib" the main caffe library used by most executables which contains all the actual caffe code,
  • "include" the necessary header files to use the caffe C++ API in another project,
  • "proto" contains the serialization and deserialization code generated by the protobut compiler to read and write data structures conforming to the caffe.proto (network and solver defintions, caffemodel files, etc.),
  • the "python" dir contains the python API to caffe, if compiled.
Do mind, that the portability of binary code (moreover, code generated for specific GPUs) is quite limited.

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