backpropagation LRN layer

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Nov 19, 2014, 6:04:35 AM11/19/14
Can anyone explain me how the gradients are calculated in the LRN layer (LRNComputeDiff in 
I understand the forward path with x/[1+(α/n)∑i(xi^2)]^β with i defining the channel neighborhood; but can't figure out how to calculate the back-propagation.
Thank you

Andrei Pokrovsky

Apr 9, 2015, 4:27:41 PM4/9/15
I've annotated the Caffe LRNComputeDiff code, hopefully this will help you. I think tthis also sheds some light on why the LRN function is designed the way it is (since the derivative reuses a portion of forward calculation, thus accelerating the backward pass).

    Dtype accum_ratio = 0;
    // forward pass must be performed first as a prerequisite for this function to work correctly
    // scale should be filled with k+alpha/size * sum( a[i]^2 ) from forward pass
    // accumulate values
    while (head < post_pad) {
      // top_data is b[n_wh] = a[n_wh]*(k+alpha*sum(a[n_wh]^2))^-beta
      accum_ratio += top_diff[head * step] * top_data[head * step] / scale[head * step];
      // top_data is b[n_wh] = a[n_wh]*(k+alpha*sum(a[n_wh]^2))^-beta, so divided by scale..
      // accum_ratio += top_diff * a[n_wh]*(k+alpha*sum(a[n_wh]^2))^(-beta-1)
    // until we reach size, nothing needs to be subtracted
    while (head < size) {
      accum_ratio += top_diff[head * step] * top_data[head * step] / scale[head * step];
              // continue adding top_diff * a[n_wh]*(k+alpha*sum(a[n_wh]^2))^(-beta-1)
      bottom_diff[(head - post_pad) * step] =
          // top_diff  *  ( k+alpha*sum(a[n_wh]^2) )^-beta
          top_diff[(head - post_pad) * step] * pow(scale[(head - post_pad) * step], negative_beta)
          // cache_ratio = Dtype(2. * alpha_ * beta_ / size_)
          // accum_ratio = sum( top_diff[n_wh] * a[n_wh]*(k+alpha*sum(a[n_wh]^2))^(-beta-1) )
          // a[n_wh] is bottom_data
          // so 2*alpha*beta/size   *    a[n_wh]    *    a[n_wh]*(k+alpha*sum())^(-beta-1)
          // this matches the derivative d/da[i] ( LRN( a[i]+a[not i] ) )
          - cache_ratio * bottom_data[(head - post_pad) * step] * accum_ratio;
      // so after all it looks like the full formula is correct:
      // top_diff * (k+alpha*sum(a[n_wh]^2)^-beta
      // - 2*alpha*beta/size * a[n_wh] * top_diff * sum( a[n_wh]*(k+alpha*sum(a[n_wh]^2))^(-beta-1) )

      // from differentiation:
      // dLrn/da[center] = (sumsq[a_all]*alpha+k)^-beta - 2*alpha*beta*a[center]^2*(sumsq[a_all]*alpha+k)^(-beta-1)
      // dLrn/da[other] = - 2*alpha*beta* a[k]* a[other] * (sumsq[a_all]*alpha+k)^(-beta-1)
      // so it appears that the gradient is summed correctly over d/da[k]
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