Use Alexnet for two-class classification scenrio?

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Saeed Izadi

Aug 28, 2015, 6:30:23 AM8/28/15
to Caffe Users
As you know, the Alexnet has been trained on the 1000 category scenario, containing many classes. Now I want to use the architecture  for a two class problem, say cars vs. boats, What should I do? I should fine-tune the network again on all the images from cars and boats or re-training the last classifier layer suffices? 


Sep 2, 2015, 3:23:44 AM9/2/15
to Caffe Users
Depending on how much data you have, I would first try to fine-tune fc8.  If this is doing okay, and not over-fitting, then you can try fine-tuning the fully connected layers and conv layers.  Additionally, since you only have two classes, you might consider using SigmoidCrossEntropyLoss as opposed to SoftmaxWithLoss.
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