how does caffe processes deploy.prototxt?

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Ali Mousavi

Oct 15, 2015, 4:46:33 PM10/15/15
to Caffe Users
I'm still confused on how caffe processes deploy.

If I'm using pycaffe to do "Net Surgery" i need to load a deploy prototxt and an init caffemodel. If i turn a train.prototxt into deploy.prototxt, and the train.prototxt has gaussian/Xavier weight initialization will the weights in the net surgery be effected?

for example, if I have the following in deploy.prototxt:
 weight_filler {
      type: "gaussian"
      std: 0.001

and I have the following in python code

net = caffe.Net("deploy.prototxt", "init.caffemodel)
print deeplab_net.params[layer][0].data

will this be effected by gaussian initialization or not(yet)?

of course I can remove that from the deploy.prototxt but I'm trying to understand the order of operation of caffe.

Thank You

Oct 15, 2015, 5:37:14 PM10/15/15
to Caffe Users
When deploy a trained model, you need the *.caffemodel as well as the deploy.prototxt, which defines *.caffemodel and the network architecture. Deploy does not change the *.caffemodel. Therefore, the weight_filter is not involved. The weight_filter is only used for training.
Bingcai Zhang

Ali Mousavi

Oct 16, 2015, 12:18:46 PM10/16/15
to Caffe Users
Thank You
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