REST API for Caffe with C++ and Go

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Felix Abecassis

Feb 26, 2016, 7:36:34 PM2/26/16
to Caffe Users
Hello Caffe users!

On this mailing list I have seen users asking how to use Caffe with your C++ code, or how to put Caffe behind a REST API for creating an image classification service.
Or maybe you are interested in using Caffe inside a Docker container and would like to see an example.
I have just pushed a new project on GitHub under the NVIDIA organization:

This project is a technical demo that will show you how you can add a REST API on top of Caffe using the Go language, and how to package all your dependencies inside a Docker container.
The classification code I used is based on the C++ example of Caffe that I contributed months ago:
I started from this code but tuned it further for better performance when using the GPU.

Overall, I hope the code will be simple to understand (even if you never used Go or Docker), please open issues on GitHub if you find a bug or if it doesn't work for you!
Even if you don't launch the app, you might still be interested in reading the code.
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