Segmentation Fault in test

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Srujana Gattupalli

Jun 24, 2015, 7:04:35 PM6/24/15

scripts/ AlexNet

scripts/ line 19: 61298 Segmentation fault: 11  $caffe_dir/python/ train_test.prototxt net.png

Srujanas-MacBook-Pro:deeppose srujanagattupalli$ appending output to nohup.out

In nohup.out -

I0624 17:05:10.054033 1961857792 net.cpp:192] loss needs backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054040 1961857792 net.cpp:192] sigmoid8 needs backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054049 1961857792 net.cpp:192] fc8 needs backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054057 1961857792 net.cpp:192] drop7 needs backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054066 1961857792 net.cpp:192] relu7 needs backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054074 1961857792 net.cpp:192] fc7 needs backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054082 1961857792 net.cpp:192] drop6 needs backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054090 1961857792 net.cpp:192] relu6 needs backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054098 1961857792 net.cpp:192] fc6 needs backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054106 1961857792 net.cpp:192] pool5 needs backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054136 1961857792 net.cpp:192] relu5 needs backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054162 1961857792 net.cpp:192] conv5 needs backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054172 1961857792 net.cpp:192] relu4 needs backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054179 1961857792 net.cpp:192] conv4 needs backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054188 1961857792 net.cpp:192] relu3 needs backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054196 1961857792 net.cpp:192] conv3 needs backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054204 1961857792 net.cpp:192] norm2 needs backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054214 1961857792 net.cpp:192] pool2 needs backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054221 1961857792 net.cpp:192] relu2 needs backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054229 1961857792 net.cpp:192] conv2 needs backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054239 1961857792 net.cpp:192] norm1 needs backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054246 1961857792 net.cpp:192] pool1 needs backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054255 1961857792 net.cpp:192] relu1 needs backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054262 1961857792 net.cpp:192] conv1 needs backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054271 1961857792 net.cpp:194] label does not need backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054278 1961857792 net.cpp:194] data does not need backward computation.

I0624 17:05:10.054286 1961857792 net.cpp:235] This network produces output loss

I0624 17:05:10.054306 1961857792 net.cpp:482] Collecting Learning Rate and Weight Decay.

I0624 17:05:10.054319 1961857792 net.cpp:247] Network initialization done.

I0624 17:05:10.054327 1961857792 net.cpp:248] Memory required for data: 1756238852

I0624 17:05:10.054608 1961857792 solver.cpp:42] Solver scaffolding done.

I0624 17:05:10.054688 1961857792 solver.cpp:250] Solving AlexNet

I0624 17:05:10.054698 1961857792 solver.cpp:251] Learning Rate Policy: step

I0624 17:05:10.584841 1961857792 solver.cpp:294] Iteration 0, Testing net (#0)

The training is done successfully. The test phase stops at Iteration 0.

train_test.prototext contatins

name: "AlexNet"

layers {

  name: "data"

  type: DATA

  top: "data"

  data_param {

    backend: LMDB

    source: "../../data/image_train.lmdb"

    batch_size: 256


  transform_param {

    mean_file: "../../data/image_mean.binaryproto"



layers {

  name: "label"

  type: DATA

  top: "label"

  data_param {

    backend: LMDB

    source: "../../data/joint_train.lmdb"

    batch_size: 256



layers {

  name: "conv1"


  bottom: "data"

  top: "conv1"

  blobs_lr: 1

  blobs_lr: 2

  weight_decay: 1

  weight_decay: 0

  convolution_param {

    num_output: 96

    kernel_size: 11

    stride: 4

    weight_filler {

      type: "gaussian"

      std: 0.01


    bias_filler {

      type: "constant"

      value: 0




layers {

  name: "relu1"

type: RELU

  bottom: "conv1"

  top: "conv1"


layers {

  name: "pool1"

  type: POOLING

  bottom: "conv1"

  top: "pool1"

  pooling_param {

    pool: MAX

    kernel_size: 3

    stride: 2



layers {

  name: "norm1"

  type: LRN

  bottom: "pool1"

  top: "norm1"

  lrn_param {

    local_size: 5

    alpha: 0.0001

    beta: 0.75



layers {

  name: "conv2"


  bottom: "norm1"

  top: "conv2"

  blobs_lr: 1

  blobs_lr: 2

  weight_decay: 1

  weight_decay: 0

  convolution_param {

    num_output: 256

    pad: 2

    kernel_size: 5

    group: 2

    weight_filler {

      type: "gaussian"

      std: 0.01


      bias_filler {

      type: "constant"

      value: 1




layers {

  name: "relu2"

  type: RELU

  bottom: "conv2"

  top: "conv2"


layers {

  name: "pool2"

  type: POOLING

  bottom: "conv2"

  top: "pool2"

  pooling_param {

    pool: MAX

    kernel_size: 3

    stride: 2



layers {

  name: "norm2"

  type: LRN

  bottom: "pool2"

  top: "norm2"

  lrn_param {

    local_size: 5

    alpha: 0.0001

    beta: 0.75



layers {

  name: "conv3"


  bottom: "norm2"

  top: "conv3"

  blobs_lr: 1

  blobs_lr: 2

  weight_decay: 1

  weight_decay: 0

  convolution_param {

    num_output: 384

    pad: 1

    kernel_size: 3

    weight_filler {

     type: "gaussian"

      std: 0.01


    bias_filler {

      type: "constant"

      value: 0




layers {

  name: "relu3"

  type: RELU

  bottom: "conv3"

  top: "conv3"


layers {

  name: "conv4"


  bottom: "conv3"

  top: "conv4"

  blobs_lr: 1

  blobs_lr: 2

  weight_decay: 1

  weight_decay: 0

  convolution_param {

    num_output: 384

    pad: 1

    kernel_size: 3

    group: 2

    weight_filler {

      type: "gaussian"

      std: 0.01


    bias_filler {

      type: "constant"

      value: 1




layers {

  name: "relu4"

  type: RELU

  bottom: "conv4"

  top: "conv4"


layers {

  name: "conv5"


 bottom: "conv4"

  top: "conv5"

  blobs_lr: 1

  blobs_lr: 2

  weight_decay: 1

  weight_decay: 0

  convolution_param {

    num_output: 256

    pad: 1

    kernel_size: 3

    group: 2

    weight_filler {

      type: "gaussian"

      std: 0.01


    bias_filler {

      type: "constant"

      value: 1




layers {

  name: "relu5"

  type: RELU

  bottom: "conv5"

  top: "conv5"


layers {

  name: "pool5"

  type: POOLING

  bottom: "conv5"

  top: "pool5"

  pooling_param {

    pool: MAX

    kernel_size: 3

    stride: 2



layers {

  name: "fc6"


  bottom: "pool5"

  top: "fc6"

  blobs_lr: 1

  blobs_lr: 2

  weight_decay: 1

  weight_decay: 0

  inner_product_param {

   num_output: 4096

    weight_filler {

      type: "gaussian"

      std: 0.005


    bias_filler {

      type: "constant"

      value: 1




layers {

  name: "relu6"

  type: RELU

  bottom: "fc6"

  top: "fc6"


layers {

  name: "drop6"

  type: DROPOUT

  bottom: "fc6"

  top: "fc6"

  dropout_param {

    dropout_ratio: 0.5



layers {

  name: "fc7"


  bottom: "fc6"

  top: "fc7"

  blobs_lr: 1

  blobs_lr: 2

  weight_decay: 1

  weight_decay: 0

  inner_product_param {

    num_output: 4096

    weight_filler {

      type: "gaussian"

      std: 0.005


    bias_filler {

      type: "constant"

      value: 1




layers {

 name: "relu7"

  type: RELU

  bottom: "fc7"

  top: "fc7"


layers {

  name: "drop7"

  type: DROPOUT

  bottom: "fc7"

  top: "fc7"

  dropout_param {

    dropout_ratio: 0.5



layers {

  name: "fc8"


  bottom: "fc7"

  top: "fc8"

  blobs_lr: 1

  blobs_lr: 2

  weight_decay: 1

  weight_decay: 0

  inner_product_param {

    num_output: 14

    weight_filler {

      type: "gaussian"

      std: 0.01


    bias_filler {

      type: "constant"

      value: 0




layers {

  name: "sigmoid8"

  type: SIGMOID

  bottom: "fc8"

  top: "predict"


layers {

  name: "loss"


  bottom: "predict"

  bottom: "label"

  top: "loss"


 Please Help! Thanks.

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