GPU mode using CPU!

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Sep 8, 2015, 7:09:49 AM9/8/15
to Caffe Users
I don't have a GPU in my machine.

I noticed if I add '-gpu 0' at the end of the finetuning command, execution time reduces significantly (compared to when '-gpu 0' is omitted)!

As I said I don't have a GPU and I'm running Caffe on CPU! 

Anyone can explain this weird behavior?


Steven Clark

Sep 8, 2015, 11:58:15 AM9/8/15
to Caffe Users
Is the output / behavior of the net the same in both cases? Or is it just aborting early when -gpu is specified?

Sep 9, 2015, 2:58:37 AM9/9/15
to Caffe Users
test results are only slightly better (+1e-6) better when '-gpu' is used. the thing is that it doesn't abort when '-gpu' is used. I don't have a GPU! How come?!

Yi Liu

Sep 9, 2015, 3:24:35 PM9/9/15
to Caffe Users
I'd have expected for you to run into various issues compiling a GPU enabled caffe with the standard procedures if you don't have one installed on your machine. Are you running on a Mac? Maybe you are using an onboard GPU of some sort?

Sep 10, 2015, 8:06:28 AM9/10/15
to Caffe Users
No I'm running Caffe on Ubuntu 12.4

Sep 11, 2015, 12:01:26 PM9/11/15
to Caffe Users
This is still a mystery to me! how I'm running Caffe on GPU mode even though I have no GPU installed in my machine!

Darren Garvey

Sep 11, 2015, 12:48:42 PM9/11/15
to, Caffe Users
On 11 September 2015 at 17:01, <> wrote:

This is still a mystery to me! how I'm running Caffe on GPU mode even though I have no GPU installed in my machine!

caffe device_query -gpu 0

That should tell you what (if any) GPU you have available.


Sep 13, 2015, 3:42:18 AM9/13/15
to Caffe Users,
Here is the output of ./build/tools/caffe device_query -gpu 0 :

I0913 16:39:16.202206 31974 caffe.cpp:73] Querying device ID = 0
I0913 16:39:16.205225 31974 common.cpp:157] Device id:                     0
I0913 16:39:16.205245 31974 common.cpp:158] Major revision number:         2
I0913 16:39:16.205253 31974 common.cpp:159] Minor revision number:         1
I0913 16:39:16.205260 31974 common.cpp:160] Name:                          GeForce GT 630
I0913 16:39:16.205274 31974 common.cpp:161] Total global memory:           4294115328
I0913 16:39:16.205282 31974 common.cpp:162] Total shared memory per block: 49152
I0913 16:39:16.205288 31974 common.cpp:163] Total registers per block:     32768
I0913 16:39:16.205294 31974 common.cpp:164] Warp size:                     32
I0913 16:39:16.205304 31974 common.cpp:165] Maximum memory pitch:          2147483647
I0913 16:39:16.205312 31974 common.cpp:166] Maximum threads per block:     1024
I0913 16:39:16.205320 31974 common.cpp:167] Maximum dimension of block:    1024, 1024, 64
I0913 16:39:16.205327 31974 common.cpp:170] Maximum dimension of grid:     65535, 65535, 65535
I0913 16:39:16.205338 31974 common.cpp:173] Clock rate:                    1620000
I0913 16:39:16.205348 31974 common.cpp:174] Total constant memory:         65536
I0913 16:39:16.205353 31974 common.cpp:175] Texture alignment:             512
I0913 16:39:16.205363 31974 common.cpp:176] Concurrent copy and execution: Yes
I0913 16:39:16.205369 31974 common.cpp:178] Number of multiprocessors:     2
I0913 16:39:16.205375 31974 common.cpp:179] Kernel execution timeout:      Yes

Detlef Schmicker

Sep 13, 2015, 4:42:55 AM9/13/15
to Caffe Users
I am not sure, if it is connected, but I do have a strange experience too:

When I updated caffe framework from December to actual version my GPU does not get warm anymore, if I am using classification network from my app.

My guess is, that GPU is not used anymore in classification?! 


Sep 29, 2015, 7:22:48 PM9/29/15
to Caffe Users
I'm facing the same issue. I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 and caffe rc2. Did you manage to find solution to this issue.

Yi Liu

Sep 30, 2015, 5:21:25 PM9/30/15
to Caffe Users
what does lspci say?
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