convert_mnist_data fails with RemoteException

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Stefan Geis

Nov 19, 2018, 5:33:32 AM11/19/18
to Caffe Users
I installed caffe windows branch on a Win7Prof x64. Building, compiling (VS2013) and running the tests (test.testbin) works OK, root-dir is C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\caffe-windows\.
By running get_mnist.ps1 and unzipping I obtained train-images.idx3-ubyte, train-labels.idx1-ubyte, t10k-images.idx3-ubyte and t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte, which are under root-dir\data\mnist.
However, when I run create_mnist.ps1, iI get the following output

PS C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\caffe-windows> C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\caffe-windows\examples\mnist\create_mnist.ps1
Creating lmdb...
convert_mnist_data.exe : I1119 10:46:02.724241 153488 db_lmdb.cpp:40] Opened lmdb C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\caffe-windows\examples\mnist\mnist_train_lmdb
In C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\caffe-windows\examples\mnist\create_mnist.ps1:28 Zeichen:1
+ . $BUILD\convert_mnist_data.exe $DATA\train-images.idx3-ubyte `
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (I1119 10:46:02....nist_train_lmdb:String) [], RemoteException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

After this, the dir root-dir\examples\mnist\mnist_train_lmdb contains a data.mdb and a lock.mdb. Running the ps1 again always results in an access denied ("Zugriff verweigert"):

Test-Path : Zugriff verweigert
In C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\caffe-windows\examples\mnist\create_mnist.ps1:24 Zeichen:4
+ if(Test-Path $EXAMPLE\mnist_train_$BACKEND) {
+    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : PermissionDenied: (C:\Users\User\D...nist_train_lmdb:String) [Test-Path], UnauthorizedAccessException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ItemExistsUnauthorizedAccessError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.TestPathCommand

Only re-running the script brings back the exception above. Running the ps with admin does not change anything, also changing to leveldb-conversion results in the same error.

I tried many things to find the cause of this. I fail with debugging the source code as somehow, VS2013 does not respect the command line arguments I provide in the property page of the convert_mnist_data-VS-project in VS. Meaning, after setting this project to single start up project and staring the local windows debugger, it stops at my breakpoint in convert_mnist_data.cpp (line 136, within main) but the argv-array does not hold the arguments given in the property page. I tried setting the 3 path variables with single and double quotes, just like I would in a ps1 or whatever script, like this:
"C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\caffe-windows\data\mnist\train-images.idx3-ubyte" "C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\caffe-windows\data\mnist\train-labels.idx1-ubyte" "C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\caffe-windows\examples\mnist\mnist_train_lmdb"

What is wrong in the first place and what is wrong with debugging?
I am not into c++-dev, my VS-knowledge is C#/.NET oriented.

Thanks for any advice, similar experiences and etc.,

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