Some question about Alexnet size

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Apr 24, 2017, 12:26:35 PM4/24/17
to Caffe Users
I am new in caffe and deep learning.
When I setup caffe to train Alexnet, I found out that the tutorials of caffe instruct me to resize the image to size 256x256 before training.
But later I notice that the input size of Alenet is 227x227x3.
And then I went to read the orginal paper of Alexnet, it claims that it uses size 256x256, but it is because it randomly crops the image to achieve data augmetation.
But I searched most of the process of caffe training, and found no evidence of image crop. But since I'm new in caffe, maybe I ignore somthing.

So, my question is: what exactly is the size of input image while training Alexnet using caffe and why?
Hope someone may answer my question. Thank you.

Hieu Do Trung

Apr 24, 2017, 10:44:35 PM4/24/17
to Caffe Users
In train_val protxt file, you can see this:

transform_param {
mirror: true
crop_size: 227
mean_file: "data/ilsvrc12/imagenet_mean.binaryproto"

which is the implementation of "randomly crops the image to achieve data augmetation".


Apr 25, 2017, 6:43:53 AM4/25/17
to Caffe Users
Oh, I see it now! Thank you very much for pointing out my ignorance! I didn't fully understand the parameter in prototxt until you told me. I'll read the protocol again carefully. Many thanks!
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