Problem with PHOCNET

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Viviana Beltran

Jun 27, 2018, 9:19:19 AM6/27/18
to Caffe Users
Hello, Im having the following poblem when running the code of Phocnet from sudholt,, when I run his code, it shows me the following problem:

phocnet/lib/python2.7/site-packages/phocnet/training/phocnet_trainer.pyc in train_phocnet(self)
    193                                              solver_mode=self.solver_mode, iter_size=self.batch_size, max_iter=self.max_iter,
    194                                              average_loss=self.display, test_iter=self.test_iter, test_interval=self.test_interval,
--> 195                                              weight_decay=self.weight_decay)
    196         # save the proto files
    197         save_prototxt(file_path=train_proto_path, proto_object=train_proto, header_comment='Train PHOCNet %s' % self.dataset_name)

phocnet/lib/python2.7/site-packages/phocnet/caffe/solver_proto_generator.pyc in generate_solver_proto(**kwargs)
     19                 setattr(sp, k, sp.SolverMode.DESCRIPTOR.values_by_name[v].number)
     20             else:
---> 21                 setattr(sp, k, v)
     22     return sp

I was using the customized version provided as a module, but It's not working, then I tried with the standard caffe version, and the same problem,
It happens when the test_net parameter is being settup:

from caffe.proto import caffe_pb2
sp = caffe_pb2.SolverParameter()
setattr(sp, 'test_net_param', "sample.prototxt")

and the error is:

----> 7 setattr(sp, 'test_net_param', "sample.prototxt") AttributeError: Assignment not allowed to repeated field "test_net_param" in protocol message object.

So, I don't know if is the problem of caffe library, or this is not allowed, and there is a problem with the code of them.

Thanks very much!

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