ImportError undefined symbol: _ZTIN5caffe14InternalThreadE

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ladinyu Ushio

Jul 30, 2021, 8:34:58 AM7/30/21
to Caffe Users
Hi all,

Does anyone know the reason? Appreciated.

Build from source
Python 3.8.8
Boost 1.67.0
CentOS 7.2
(will provide more info if needed)


Tamas Nemes

Jul 30, 2021, 8:40:03 AM7/30/21
to Caffe Users
Hello, for starters, a full console output or error stack would be helpful :)

ladinyu Ushio

Jul 30, 2021, 11:51:47 AM7/30/21
to Caffe Users
Hi Temas, thanks, your response was faster than I expected so I cannot provide much details at the moment. The error stack is simple, when I do import caffe from Python console, it simply called .pycaffe and then ._caffe, and then immediately indicates the error in my title. I have compiled pycaffe without errors.

Something like this (if my memory serves me right):

File "xxx/caffe/python/caffe/", line 1, in <module> 
        from .pycaffe import Net, SGDSolver
File "xxx/caffe/python/caffe/", line 13, in <module> 
        from ._caffe import Net, SGDSolver
ImportError: undefined symbol: _ZTIN5caffe14InternalThreadE

Thanks again for your attention

Tamas Nemes

Jul 30, 2021, 3:31:02 PM7/30/21
to Caffe Users
How exactly did you install Caffe, did you compile it yourself? If so, what repository and what guide did you use for installation? I would like to get a better view at the source code.

ladinyu Ushio

Jul 31, 2021, 5:27:25 AM7/31/21
to Tamas Nemes, Caffe Users
Yes, I compiled it myself during my university research so I cannot access the source code at the moment, only the Python version, no Matlab, based on Anaconda and followed this guide

To clarify, one of my colleagues had compiled it successfully using this guide on the other server but I cannot access or clone that due to security regulations. I have asked them for the exact version lists, they told me to specify the protobuf version to 3.15.8 since it could not find previously, and all other dependencies are decided by conda. They failed to solve my problem either.

I have also compiled the Python boost lib from the source code of version 1.67.0 without errors. I do not know if the problem was related to this or not but for comparison, I also compiled Python2 version of Pycaffe using the exact same procedure and when imported I got something like (again, if my memory serves me well):

ImportError: undefined symbol: _Py_tracemalloc_config


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