Reverting to old icons

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Nicolas Gambardella

May 29, 2020, 2:44:10 PM5/29/20
to CafeTranslators
Hello all,

With each version, Cafetran Espresso becomes more versatile and useful. However... I really do not like the new slick black icons (sorry Igor). They are not distinct enough and my eye related on colors in addition to shape. I now frequently need to spend a fraction of second finding some of them, the ones I use less (for the most frequently used functions, e.g. moving or recording segments, I use keystrokes).

The old icons are still in the directory "graphics/icons". However, the new ones are not. I wonder how to change the icon set?

Thanks a lot

Igor Kmitowski

May 29, 2020, 2:52:25 PM5/29/20
to CafeTranslators
Hello Nicolas,

Try changing icons' color via View > Colors > Icons color menu (available from 10.7.1 version). Currently, reverting to the old icons is not possible.

Nicolas Gambardella

May 30, 2020, 2:37:40 AM5/30/20
to CafeTranslators
Thank you Igor,

Unfortunately, this does not change my problem. All the icons have still the same colors, and are very similar.

No worries, I can survive and continue using CFE :-)

Keep on the good work
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