Cafe Sci 5 Dec topic

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Nov 25, 2016, 4:30:14 AM11/25/16
to Café Scientifique Sheffield

Café Scientifique

Monday 5 Dec 7.00


Nutrition - fashion, fad or medicine?

Here are our speakers, their talks, and how they address our question:  Nutrition - fashion, fad or medicine?

During our December, Café Scientifique special, Café Scientifique is teaming up with the University of Sheffield's Doctoral Academy with the support of the University of Sheffield’s Public Engagement and Impact Team in Research & Innovation Services.

Presentations will be in the five-minute style: a fun and engaging fast moving presentation with PowerPoint slides, where speakers will be limited to five slides in total. And then after the break, we open the mic for questions and comments as usual.

Please join us to gain a holistic view on the latest nutrition research.




Laura von Nordheim, Doctoral Researcher, Developmental Psychology, The University of Sheffield

TALK TITLE: Intuitive Eating - Parental Verbal Eating Messages - Body Image

BIO: Laura has always had a passion for health and wellbeing - the health and wellbeing of individuals, communities and of our planet as a whole. Nutrition quickly became the focus of her career path and she worked as a health interventionist, cooking instructor and chef for a wide range of community-based healthy eating projects such as Slow Food, Shoreditch Trust and more recently, The Real Junk Food Project Sheffield. Working in clinics for children and adults affected by eating disorders including anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating and obesity gave her valuable insight into eating behaviour while completing her BSc Psychology and MSc Health Psychology in London. As a postgraduate researcher at the University of Sheffield, she has recently recorded a series of healthy eating advertisement videos to investigate ‘Media Influence and Childhood Obesity’.

TALK SUMMARY: In a world of weight concern, body shaming and restrictive dieting, eating intuitively is an act of rebellion. It is an act of rebellion against diet books that tell us what and when to eat, and it is an act of rebellion against all parents and caregivers who ever told you to ‘Finish your plate!’ or ‘No pudding without eating your vegetables!’. So let’s start a riot - for the health of your planet, your family, and yourself!



Philippa Fibert, Doctoral Researcher in Public Health, School of Health and Related Research, The University of Sheffield

TALK TITLE: The feasibility of nutritional therapy for ADHD

BIO: After a B.Ed at Cambridge University, Philippa worked with children with special needs as a teacher and parent educator. Motivated to improve outcomes for these children, she embarked on research into this area: a BSc at Thames Valley University, a research MSc at Goldsmiths University, and now a PhD at ScHARR (the School of Health and Related Research) where she is conducting a clinical trial looking at the effectiveness of novel interventions for children with ADHD.

TALK SUMMARY: My trial tests the effectiveness of two novel interventions for ADHD. During this talk I will be describing one of them: treatment by a nutritional therapist. Families are offered individualised treatment for up to a year each.

I will describe the nutritional therapist’s experiences of providing such treatment, and how feasible it seems to be for children with ADHD.



Val Derbyshire, Doctoral Researcher, Arts & Humanities, School of English, The University of Sheffield

TALK TITLE: Literacy in the Kitchen: Reading the Eighteenth-Century

BIO: Val Derbyshire is a WRoCAH supported AHRC competition PhD student researching the evocation of place and space in the works of Charlotte Turner Smith (1749-1806) in the School of English at the University of Sheffield. Val also has an interest in the romance genre generally, from the eighteenth-century up to and including contemporary fiction.

TALK SUMMARY: Hannah Glasse (1708-1770) was the Mary Berry of her day.  Her cookery book, The Art of Cookery made Plain and Easy, went through twenty editions during the eighteenth-century.  But what does Mrs Glasse’s cookery book reveal about food during the eighteenth-century?  Who was reading this book, and how were they reading it?  Further, can we recreate these recipes today? And should we even try?



Beth Kamunge, Doctoral Researcher, Social Science, Geography, The University of Sheffield

TALK TITLE: What can food scholars learn by centring the voices and experiences of ethnic minority women in food-related research?

BIO: Beth Kamunge is a black-feminist lawyer and food-scholar, currently undertaking doctoral research at The University of Sheffield.

TALK SUMMARY: In this presentation, I share critical insights gained by prioritizing the food-related experiences of Women of Colour, experiences which are often understudied or neglected within academia. The presentation is based on ongoing doctoral research with 12 self-identified ethnic minority women in Sheffield.  The data was generated over the period of a year through a series of unstructured dialogues and ‘deep hanging out’ at places in Sheffield where food is grown (e.g. allotments), sold (e.g. farmer’s markets, beer festivals, and supermarkets), cooked (e.g. kitchens) and eaten (e.g. restaurants). Emerging findings relate to issues around: the different ways people understand what local food is and why it matters; whether and if so how celebrity chefs can ethically borrow recipes; kitchens as potential spaces for countering everyday exclusions in society.



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