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Jul 25, 2014, 1:35:06 PM7/25/14
I have paid for this service and I haven't received one called can someone help

Jason Pedota

Jul 25, 2014, 1:58:23 PM7/25/14
Are you not receiving them via the CADpage app but have gotten them from your devices native text application? If you have not been receiving them at all make sure of these few thing:

1. Has your department added your phone number into their paging system?

2.Have you selected your location in app to have your device accept your agencies pages?

3. Have you selected the box in which will allow CADpage to send you a notification when you receive a call from your departments dispatch. This will also keep you from recovering calls from the CADpage application.

Also keep in mind android devices with the newest software updates will receive alerts in CADpage as well as the devices native texting application.

> On Jul 25, 2014, at 13:35, wrote:
> I have paid for this service and I haven't received one called can someone help
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "CadPage" group.
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Ken Corbin

Jul 25, 2014, 6:42:42 PM7/25/14
Hello there,

Assigning a Cadpage Location does not start picking up alerts for that
location. It only tells Cadpage how to interpret dispatch alert
messages that you have previously arranged to have sent to your device.

Cadpage is intended to be used by members of emergency response
organizations, fire departments and such. If you are a member of one,
there is probably someone in the department you can talk to about
getting these dispatch alerts sent to your phone. If you are not a
member of an emergency response agency or if your dispatch center lacks
the ability to send dispatch alerts as text messages, Cadpage will not
do anything for you.

If you have already purchased a Cadpage subscription before discovering
that Cadpage does not work for you, you can open Cadpage settings and
use the Email the Developer setting to send us an email requesting a refund.

Have a nice day,
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