Time to sell the boat

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jacob samberg

Jun 7, 2023, 9:26:06 AM6/7/23
to cabo...@googlegroups.com
Good morning everyone.
Well, the time has come for us to part ways with our cr38.

We had started this process before the pandemic but now we are more serious.

Our boat is a 1992 cr38 that we have continually maintained and upgraded. The most recent mini refit was in 2019 when we did all new standing rigging, chain plates, wires in the mast, rebuild trans, Cutless bearing, some new seacocks, and tons more.
Last year we swapped in a brand new max prop.
There’s a brand new dodger and some other canvas bits.
All the batteries were just replaced with lifeline agms.
The westerbeke 46 is still running excellently.
In 2019 when we did the transmission, we also replaced the damper plate, exhaust elbow, and the drive saver.
I can go on for hours about all the mods and upgrades. This is a great boat that has been a joint love between my dad and since 2003/4 when we got her.

But it’s time to sell.
The boat is located in Baltimore, md
We haven’t listed with brokers yet.
Would love to sell it to someone who knows what it is. So please feel free to contact me and I can tell you more.
Thanks very much.
Jacob Samberg
Sent from my iPhone

Geoff Seager

Jun 7, 2023, 6:31:10 PM6/7/23
to cabo...@googlegroups.com
Hi Jacob,

How many hours are on the engine and do you have a price in mind?

Geoff Seager
Amesbury, Ma

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